For the past two weeks now I've been having spider problems in my C (since I parked it in my parents garage one night). I was just hoping the darn thing would just leave by itself or die of starvation since I got nothing in the C for it to eat, but low and behold it's still holding strong after two weeks. Every night and day (when I leave my C away long enough) it'll spin all sorts of crazy webs from under the passenger dash to the passenger seat, and it drives me crazy and I don't know what spider it is too, so meh. I've emptied like 3 cans of air spray turned upside down for the frost effect into under the dash and under the passenger seat, but dang this thing won't die. I want to bugbomb my C, but the wife's pregnant and I don't want pesticides around/near my wife...what to do???
Ugh, that's freaky...I hate spiders! Time to bust out a vacum with an attachment or a wet vac and start deep cleaning with the hose. I get white spiders from the trees, so disgusting and freaks me out when I'm driving and all of a sudden I see that damn things on the windows or coming down from some obscure place near me.
First world problem. Find somebody that has killed a spider before and pay in beer after the task is accomplished. Or, bug spray applied to the spider.
I had a spider in mine for a few days, he didn't bug me, I saw him every morning, int he windshield ir hanging from mirror, I would say hello.. then he left me one day Haha
Seeing a spider isn't a problem. It's when you don't see him (and you know he's there somewhere) that is when your skin starts to craw.... John
I loaned my car to a friend who parked it on the lawn. When I got it back, I cleaned it in one of those drive thru tunnel wash when I spotted an enormous huntsman spider on the rear hatch. It took a supreme effort to stay put in the car until the car came out of the wash. Luckily it didn't move and I manged to get it to jump off the car with help from a long piece of tree branch.
Awww huntsman spiders look scary but they're harmless (unless you're an insect). I wouldn't want one in my car though, I agree.
nope, the thing is still there and weaving webs every nite it should starve by now. I'm really thinking about insecticide