I got a prius in 4 days.

Discussion in 'Order Tracking' started by greenleef, Jun 1, 2004.

  1. greenleef

    greenleef New Member

    Jun 1, 2004
    I've been looking at getting a Prius for months now...and recently, I decided to actually start shopping around. I knew the wait time was going to be ridiculous, but I figured, hey, it was worth a shot. I needed a car by the end of June, so I just sent my name out to a bunch of dealerships on my area (Southern California), in hopes that I'd get lucky, somehow.

    I sent out my requests on Tuesday. Wednesday night, I get a e-mail response from a Toyota Central in L.A. saying that they have a Salsa Red Prius, package 3, for sale, for MSRP + tax and licensing. I e-mail them back with interest. The next morning, Thursday at around 11 AM, I get a call from the dealership, telling me to go in and take a look at the car. I tell them i'll be there by 2, but they call back at like 12 and tell me that someone else has already arrived, and is looking to buy the car! I figure at this point I lost the car...pretty much no chance to get it, right? I pretty much give up hope on this red Prius...but then, two days later, Saturday, I get another call from the dealership...and the car is MINE!! We picked it up on Sunday, and now it's happily sitting in our garage.

    I can't believe it. It's amazing. I got a Prius in a week.

    We signed the papers Saturday. The dealership said that Sunday morning, they got like 30 calls asking about the car. Someone even offered to pay 35,000. Talk about lucky.

    I'm very happy. :D
  2. woodworks

    woodworks New Member

    Apr 21, 2004
    Ashland, Oregon, Earth
    What took so long? :lol:

    I got mine in 3 days! Pretty much the same scenario. Made a few calls to dealers whithin a few hours drive. All said 5-6 months. Then one said he'd call if anything came in. Yeah, yeah, that'll happen, I thought. But lo and behold, three days later I'm driving off in a white #9. I'm sure I'll have to pay for this good fortune. But hopefully not until my next life.