Is there a special type of thumb drive that I need to use to maximize the use of the USB port in the arm rest? I have a ton of songs on the thumb drive but the stereo only recognizes only 40 of them.
The manual details supported file types, requirements for folder depth, max numbers, thumbdrive formatting, etc, etc.
You may have to edit the id3 tags of the mp3 files. The wonderful entune system ignores directories and file names and only looks at id3 tags to figure out what mp3's are present. I recommend musicbrainz picard to edit mp3 tags. I have used aftermarket sony radios and they seem to use file names and directories, which I find greatly superior to entune...
"Mp3Tag" is a very popular free tagging tool. dbPoweramp is not free, but its a wonderful software for ripping, converting and tagging. If you feed it a CD, it'll go online and get the artwork and all tags for you.
Does anyone know if you can skip the tracks with the steering wheel buttons on a USB drive? You can't with an iPod hooked up through the AUX jack, which is pretty frustrating.
Yes, press the ^ or down arrow under your left thumb steering controls will skip to next song, or go back to beginning of track. When in radio mode, pressing these buttons will go up and down your preset radio stations.
"Does anyone know if you can skip the tracks with the steering wheel buttons on a USB drive? You can't with an iPod hooked up through the AUX jack, which is pretty frustrating." need to remember that the aux jack is just a audio jack like in a transistor radio. It is not a data line.
I use dbPoweramp all the time (I download lots of live bootlegs in FLAC format, which I then convert to mp3) and I highly recommend it. It's easy to figure out and it does a great job of putting the ID tags on your mp3 files.