In the spirit of your post, I'm also 55, and have a job that involves physical activity, BP of 130/80, ten pounds from my ideal chart weight, total cholesterol of 180. Obesity has political implications, but let's note that two former Arkansas governors (Clinton, Huckabee) have famously gotten into shape and spoken on wellness. I believe everyone needs to take their health seriously because no government can afford to fix a nation that let itself go. Refer to the chart of most obese nations on Earth - the US is #1. A contributing factor of other nations having better health is not just their health system, but more citizens that practice preventive medicine, including keeping a proper weight.
For some, obesity is a choice. For others, genetics stacks the deck against them. As I've gotten older, I've noticed many of my friends and relatives that I've known for more than 30 years have become overweight or obese even though they were of "normal weight" in their early 20s. It was and is their choice and many of them will suffer for it later in life. I'll probably outlive many of them. Luckily, I haven't had to say goodbye to any of my generation yet.
More maps. Infographics: Mapping the States The states with the most access to capital and greatest technology also are the worst for food insecurity. Interesting.
Folks, obesity is mostly genetic and not laziness. Widely available food and especially junk food (carbs) makes it worse of course. The states with higher rates have simply higher rates of african-americans and latinos that are more highly predisposed to metabolic syndrome and obesity. Things got especially bad after our own government meddled based on agra industry lobbying and developed the "food pyramid" scheme and told people to stop eating fats and gorge on carbs. Farmers knew for a long time the best way to fatten animals is to give them only carbs. That makes animals hungry all the time and they eat to death.
No, because they are not in America. In America blacks and Hispanics are more obese than whites. CDC Data & Statistics | Feature: Compared with whites, Blacks had 51% higher and Hispanics had 21% higher obesity rates
I'm surprised Wisconsin isn't a "fatter" state. When I was there seemed like they had a plethora of Hospitals with Bill Boards actually advertising the fact that they had the best "Heart Attack" center. And restaurants that actually sold "Fried Cheese".
There is another factor (also somewhat political) that is not genetic. When you get paid $7/hr at a minimum wage job, you cannot eat well. The US subsidizes all the crappiest of foods and places like McDonalds make eating crap really cheap. A hamburger for less than a dollar, or an apple for $1.50? When you are in poverty you can't spend the money on good for you food. One of my friends that gets paid just above minimum wage eats fast food every day because that's where they work. They can't afford to buy real foods, so they take home pop bottles filled of soda and the leftover fastfood at the end of the night. They don't even like the food, but that's all they can afford.
The statistics have a problem. The implication is Blacks and Hispanics are more obese because of their ethnicity...if so, then it can't be just America, but also the countries of their ancestors.
It's genetics and food access. They don't have Popeyes and mcdonalds in sub Saharan Africa. Of you don't have the option to eat crap food, you won't.
This is where I disagree. For the price of an average "value meal" I know I can go to the market and make a much better quality meal for the same money. It's desire and education. Not economics.
Obesity in America is in all ethnic groups. Just saying there needs to be more information for this to make sense.
CDC has more articles on their website related to the one I posted. Obesity and Overweight for Professionals: Data and Statistics: Adult Obesity - DNPAO - CDC