Aside from spending $100 to have the polarity reversed on the HVAC display, is there anythingn be done to darken the display letters and numerals? In the daylight this thing is unreadable. Very poor design by Toyota. Any little tricks that I don't know about?
The windows are tinted and I do like to glance down once in a while to check the outside temperature. That's the whole point of having a display... so you can read it. The fact that it is canted just exacerbates the problem. I guess I'll have to fabricate a shade or something.
Are you wearing polarized sunglasses? I live in Texas and the sun is plenty bright and do not remember having issues checking the triple digit outside temps and go DANG!
Actually, polarized lens' would probably help! I'll have to try that. As for those sustained triple digrt temperatures in Texas, I'll just have to feel sorry for you guys. Here in S. California we at least get down to 85 degrees once in a while.