I have been searching around on net and could not find any clear info on if a 2010 prius III can be installed with intelligent parking assist. i found this link http://www.bosch-automotivetechnology.us/media/db_application/downloads/pdf/comfort_1/en_5/einparkenleichtgemachtparkassistenzsystemevonbosch.pdf these people say that if your car has electonic power steering motor then automatic parking system can work hands free. does anyone have information on where can i get parts or possibly diy? or even if its possible?
It's been asked before. Basically you'll need the components below. It'd be cheaper to trade your III for a 2o10-11 V/Five with ATP.
It would be cheaper but i dont like V because it looks like wagon, just not my style. i like prius III`s shape better
V is not the wagon. v is the wagon. At any rate, it is a lot of work for something that does not do much. The Prius is not that hard to park. No wonder Toyota dropped it from the ATP for 12 ans replaced it with the HUD. I enjoy the HUD. SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 ? 2
No, I'm talking about the Roman numeral V as in Five. In 2010, they used Roman numerals for the trims including your III.
now whats the HUD?...... i know its not hard to park but i just wanna be cool parking handsfree... so there are 2 V`s? maybe i dont have enough knowledge of all trims
Capital V is Five. Lower case v is the vagon. HUD projects a hologram of speed, HSI, and Nav direction in the windshield so you don't have to look away. SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 ? 2
I have the park assist in my 2011, and I've used it twice. It's an expensive gimmick, and I have no intention of using it again. I tried it out, said "Hey! Cool!" and never used it. Honestly, it's not worth the effort. But if you decide to do it, Good Luck to you. I hope you enjoy it more than I do.
I can understand what you mean, i bet it is a gimmick and expensive one. I can infact park very efficiently and near perfectly using my rear cam on nav so maybe ill just drop it alltogether and will consider in future when buying new one maybe.
They got rid of intelligent park assist in favor of HUD in 2012 for the ATP package so it's unlikely to return. Park assist has a bigger wow factor but HUD is more useful in terms of everyday driving.
Ever thought of just getting a 360 view parking camera? You can get it for a little over $100; however, this would require connecting it to the head unit with video input.