I'm a dude that prefers a minimalist lifestyle. I try to keep NOTHING visible in the car (nothing in cub holders, on floor, on seats, etc.) and I try to keep as little on my person as possible. No bulging wallet with unnecessary garbage; just a money clip with $50 and a $1 covering it, and a credit card. Ever since I got my Prius I've had only one other key: the house key. So what I did was I cut my house key up and drilled a little hole so that it fits in the Prius key FOB. The spare key is hidden in one of those hide-a-key boxes in the chassis. If anyone finds it and uses it to get in my car, all they'll find is a 3.5mm aux cable to steal. Hope this inspires someone else.
Take a picture of your ID with your phone. If you actually need your ID like a police/emergency they are just taking the number off of it and looking it up on their system. Too many fake ID's out there. So taking the number from a picture versus a card doesn't matter much. Just like when they ask for insurance proof, they just want the number to verify they don't need the official paper. All of that can be digitally stored. To the OP you could buy a blank insert for the keyfob and maybe get it cut to match a lock to put on your house. That way the mechanical key already hidden inside the fob will open your house and the RFID in the key will open/start the Prius. Keep the mechanical for if the 12v dies and the car is locked, but that can be stored off-site.
I don't think a blank FOB insert would be the same key type as a house key. That might be a business opportunity in itself; selling blank key FOBs that are cut for common house keys. Negative; I keep it hidden under the cupholders. I never really need my ID these days except for getting pulled over. Which rarely happens.
Most probably not, but the top part of the key that is plastic is really the only thing you need that could be more than likely snapped off and epoxied onto a cut-key for your house or something. If you want to go extremo minimalist.
Sounds more like a lifestyle change when you practice that even in your car. I do that when I'm biking for obvious reasons. I consider that as one of the great reason to have a car so you can keep what you like in there... within reason.
If one is pushing minimalist boundaries, going commando with the shortest possible coverage, consider tidying up the wax job. (Unless one is bicycling with the Fremont Solstice Parade, where anything goes. No coverage needed, but painting artistry is valued.)
Less is better. Several years ago I decided I was tired of sitting on a fat wallet (junk, not money). I no longer carry my wallet, but keep it my car. Secure parking at home and work. While I was at it, I ditched my watch. Did away with my home key, by replacing the traditional lock with a quality, name brand digital keypad lock.
Me, too, but my solution was different, I have this shirt in 15 colors. Big and Tall Guayabera Camp Shirt | Sport Shirts for Men | KingSizeDirect Embroidered Guayabera Short Sleeve Shirt for Big and Tall Men Big and Tall Mens Clothing at Davis Big & Tall With 4 pockets, all my work gear and ID are in front of me. Stopped by a Police road Block? I do not need to get the wallet out from under me. Under a clients desk? All my tools are as well. UL Phone UR Money clip LL Wallet and Thumb drives LR Leatherman (and jeweler's screwdriver) and keys