I have a 2005 Prius and I just purchased a Motorola E815 which I was told works with the Prius. I can do everything but transfer my phone numbers. I have seen reviews of people who have done so, but I can not get it to work. I do not have a PDA or a laptop with Blue tooth. So does anyone have suggestion on how to get this to work. I hate to think I purchased this phone and now it will not work. Thanks P.S. I have a friend who has a PDA that has Blue tooth. It is my Pastor, but he also has alot of phone number stored of his own on his PDA and he does not know how to use the feature. How could he transfer just my numbers and not his to the Prius? Thank for any help.
Unfortunately the phone does not support OBEX, which will prevent you from uploading the numbers. The RAZR for Verizon will let you, but you would have to find one that came out before the firmware upgrade that disabled OBEX.
I also have an e815. One thing I want to add is that you can hack it to support OBEX, but what's missing is OOP, which is necessary to send the phonebook. There are a couple of things you can do. There is another Verizon phone (not the RAZR, but I forget the model) that will let you, so maybe you could exchange (if you're in that 15 day period). Another is to find a friend with a laptop (with B/T) to send the phonebook (I may buy a B/T dongle [$29] for my PC to do it). You could also get a cheap (via eBay) B/T phone that's from another carrier. Program that with your numbers and use it only to send the phonebook. There is a workaround as you have a 2005 with the NAV system. Program your numbers into the POI areas. Whenever a POI is brought up (either by touching the icon on the map or bringing it up in DEST) an INFO button appears. That links to the phone number, which can be dialed. If you want to while driving you'll need to do the NAV override. It takes a bit, but it works. For me I really only call 2 people while driving and that's easily covered by the 18 one-touch places. The downside is that you have to memorize the number as the name isn't there (which would appear if it was placed there from the phonebook).
You can use the Pastor's PDA and transfer your numbers without transferring his, no problem. The transfer is a number-by-number transfer, not an all-numbers transfer, so you simply type in the number you want to transfer, and transfer it. Then, edit it to the next number, and transfer it again. When you are done, delete the last number, and no harm is done to his list.
Another option is the program that can copy the numbers from Outlook over BT to the car. You would need the BT dongle, I got one at Walmart for about $20. Then get a program called MPT, you can get it cheap on Ebay. Use that to sync your E815 to Outlook, then use the Outlook program from this board to copy them into your Prius. It should also be noted that the RAZR can NOT transfer phonebook entries to the Prius in stock form. Not even the early firmware versions with OBEX. You need OPP as well, and the RAZR doesn't have it. If you are willing to hack your phone, you can install another firmware that does have OBEX and OPP and can send phonebook entries to the car. I have done that and it works fine, but it's not for everyone. I suggest the MPT/Outlook route as it's much eaiser. Note that all the above applies to Verizon only. Some other carriers don't cripple thier phones.