Has anyone tried this display visor for the v? 2010-2011 Prius NavCap - Reduce Glare on Prius MFD Display, Eliminates Sun on your Nav Screen; Priusaccessory.com It says it is designed for the '10/'11 "Prius", and the photo shows a display which, although the function buttons are different, appears to be otherwise similar to the one on my v, at least dimensionally. I may go ahead and get it, just to try. If the diminsions are correct, I should be able to fit in on, somehow. The review comments indicate a need to "coerce" a fit, with sandpaper, or however. The glare on the display, particularly when wearing polarizing sunglasses, makes the display very difficult to read. While the visor won't "undo" the polarizing effect, it should make reading the display easier, just the same. Thanks for any help on this issue. WmH
You are correct. I did place an order for one, and added a comment that, if it would not fit the v, then someone please contact me. Less than an hour later, I got a phone call from a nice lady with Priusaccessory.com, saying that it would not fit the v, that it was just a little too narrow. She kindly cancelled the order for me. That's customer service. So, I'm going to go the cardboard-in-the-CD-slot route. Oh, well. Now we know for sure. WmH
An upgraded version is now available for GenIII 2012-2014 Prii: ...it's pathetic that Toyota hasn't (yet) seen the "value" of simply integrating something "built-in" (using hinge-points at each lower wing) that could be simply tipped IN or OUT from around the NAV screen!