Title says it all. Online instructions were easy, 10% discount tolls for having an eligible hybrid! I already have a discount plan in use, so no break on my commute tolls, but anything I do on weekends or days off gets the discount. hey, it all adds up!
And if you ever need to use the Port Authority bridges, you can add their green pass (PAGREEN) to your existing account at no extra cost.
Good to know! Thanks. I go out to Long Island once in a while, the bridge tolls are killer... Ii'll look into it.
Were you able to simply add the green pass to your discount pass? Or doyou physicallyhave toswap passes? I have an annual pass but would like the green pad to help with long trips. SPH-L720 ? 4
I'm not sure how it works if you already have a discount plan, but you do need the green transponder to get the hybrid discount.
It won't help with the Throgs Neck and Whitestone bridges, as those are MTA (you do get the regular EZPass discount which takes the one-way toll down from $7.50 to $5.33). But if you need to cross the George Washington bridge (tolls collected in the eastbound direction only), the discount in off-peak hours takes the cost from $8.25 to $4.75.