I've noticed that folks here post under more than one user ID. Confess if you want; you don't have to list your usernames, but be honest in filling out the poll. I'm going to confess. I have 4 user names I sometimes use: 1) bigdaddy is the Prius and FHOP addict, 2) [you] is my priuschat cynic, 3) cornboy is the newly found environmentalist in me, and 4) AntonSzandorLaVey is my dark side.
I do have another username here that I haven't put into use yet. I'll only use it when I have some covert top secret undercover work to do. You might see an Anastasia Beaverhausen hanging around here every now and again. h34r:
i'm just galaxee. i mean, who has time for other usernames when there is so much business to oversee in the galaxee? i got all sorts of problems, ranging from stars gettin' all out of line and givin' me crap and planetary orbits to maintain, all the way down to subcellular proteins to worry about. it's one crazy place here! :lol:
Hey Schmika, quick question for you: After a Magistrate hearing for a minor traffic violation, I, of course, requested an "appeal" hearing before a judge. I get a letter in the mail a few days later, stating the date for the appeal hearing. Today, I get a letter from the Magistrate's office, for a re-scheduled hearing, due to the cop being "out of the country" on that day. They were even kind enough to enclose an actual copy of the cop's letter to the Magistrate requesting a re-schedule. Granted, you're not in MA, and the state laws I'm sure are a bit different, but I'd like to get your input on this. Do you think that's totally "legit"? After all, in MA the defendant cannot simply re-schedule an appeal hearing so easily. Obviously, if the cop couldn't show up on that day, it would be an instant win for me. I will, of course, go back to the MA statutes, and dig this one up, but I figured it couldn't hurt to get your take on it.
Wow, this one's going to make some of us wonder more---one-third posting under more than one name, or at least having more. Good one, bigdaddy. Wondered who cornboy was when "it" appeared. I do names only serially.
Well, no wonder we got to nearly 13,000 members so fast. I use several different computers in different places, and could cause all sorts of mayhem arguing with myselves. Or, I could cast multiple ballots in the malicious squidicious poll! :lol:
You don't want to meet Jason he is not nice. Other than that I am me, I think... or not? Here comes the nice nurse with my Meds, I will feel much better soon!
Geez...I barely have time to post under one username. It'd be way too confusing and time-consuming for me to make up and use multiple usernames.
It's true that I named my Prius Priapus. The original idea was from a phony news article about the Toyota Volta that called it the Priapus. I liked the name so that's what I called my car. When people ask, I decide whether to teach them a little Greek Mythology or just tell them that I made the name up. If you don't know what that last sentence means, ask Google about Priapus. Shortly after being 'promoted' to Moderator, someone PMed me asking about board navigation. I explained in great detail steps needed to accomplish a task. Then they replied that some of the things I identified they were unable to find. That's when it occured to me that as a Mod I see things most people don't. That prompted me to register another account without special benefits. And what better name than Priapus? This allows me to step out of the moderator role from time to time. That's why there's so few posts under that name: sometimes I post and forget who I'm signed in as. In another thread about naming our cars, I posted as myself, "I named him Priapus" and followed with Priapus posting, "He named me Priapus." I thought it was funny anyway. I just wanted to explain all that in case anyone was wondering why I have two screennames.