While on my way back from my wife's grandmother's house I saw my first Prius EVER outside of a dealership. It was a Driftwood and it was driving in front of White Rock Lake. Who was it?
The worst part about it is that my wife was driving. I screamed, "Holy crap! That's a Prius! Quick, turn around!" Her response was, "What am I supposed to do? Chase them down until they stop so you can have 'a car talk' with them?". She didn't appreciate me saying "Well, duh!"
:lolup: :lolup: My partner is getting a bit tired of me pointing out Prii... I'm now refraining from doing it unless it's a Driftwood or a Tideland (the two colors I'm interested in.)
my family and employees are sick of it too, especially since there is one salsa here in our town and we are right at the main corner... we see it a couple of times a week. of course, that family is not gonna be thrilled when i get my salsa. hey manny - you want THEIR address? you can steal their car instead of mine and then you will be happy with your car and i will be happy to be the only salsa owner in town...
To think they are one and the same person, split personalities? It's pretty impressive to carry on a conversation with one's self. The truth is out there!