I just get a hand of a brake blinkers module that when you connected parallel to the brake lights it will blinks and strobes like emergency vehicles. When brake is pressed, the brake lights blinks rapidly and strobes random pattern. It gives more visibility instead just stay on. I am afraid that it is illegal and police might give me a ticket. What do you guys think and anyone did this modification?
Depends on your state. It's legal in California (can flash no more than 4 times within the first four seconds).
Talk to the Police and they look up the Statue and told me it does not mention anything about flashing. It does mentioned the brake lights can be either red or amber. So flashing or strobe should be fine in Kansas..
8-1730 mentions two rear alternately flashing red lights (located at the same level) but says nothing about the center high mount center lamp flashing so I think the OP can legally get away with just flashing 3rd brake light. Nevertheless, as I've said many times, what's legal and what's actually enforced are two different things and the police the OP spoke to didn't know off the top of their head and couldn't even find the statue.
i think in most cases when blinking brake light is flashed, its always installed in the top mount/3rd brake light. i had it on my old car and never had a problem here in NY.
Issues with "blinking" brake lights and the law are the reason why some kits offer "pulsing" lights. It avoids legal issues. Personally I prefer pulsing - and use it - because I think blinking can cause confusion for the nitwit behind.
i use this item by CustomLED. its fairly expensive but has a lot of cool features. Brake Light Flasher Modulator - Universal Magic Strobes Motorcycle Brake Flasher but i have also used those ebay $10 flashers and they also work good for the basic flash.