I saw an ad on craigslist and checked this 06 Prius out, fully loaded. Took down the VIN and surprise surprise, it wasn't just a door dent, it looks like the entire back end was totalled. You can see the damage by googling JTDKB20U767513876 on salvagebid since I can't post links unfortunately. It's under 750174217-2006-toyota-prius Looking at the car now you can't even tell it was repaired at least from the outside but lifting up the cargo mat shows a gnarly weld above where the right wheel should be and some bondo. Pretty sure they replaced some part of the back frame but I don't know how much could be replaced. How much is she really worth? He's asking 8.5k for 91k miles on the odo. Is it too much trouble down the road to bother with salvages? Thanks for reading!
Thanks bisco! This would actually be my first car but I'm looking forward to learning everything I can about her. Pretty much a DIY guy as long as I have the tools and the time.
these cars are complicated, and salvage title has led to some frustration here if you search threads.
What should I look for in the rear for signs of imminent failure? I'm going to be taking out the spare wheel and checking for water, anything under the car I should look for?
i'm no mechanic so i can't advise on structural issue. what would you do if in a couple thousand miles the rear tyres started to wear funny? i would definitely open the battery box and look for corrosian etc. CAUTION: HIGH VOLTAGE!!!
I believe another factor is many car insurance's won't cover more than liability for the vehicle, take this into account in the price, or at least check it out first with your insurance co.
I am no mechanic or body man, but looking at this picture I cannot see why anyone would want to buy this car even if it looks okay today. There was quite a bit of visible damage. There is always more that is unseen. To me it is a problem waiting to happen. I would look elsewhere.
If you're mechanically inclined and could fix or at least spot any future issues, it might be an ok car. I wouldn't pay more than $6k for it, though. I wonder how much work it needed to just be driveable, I might have to get me one (pre-fix) in a couple years, pound out the dents and have a nice beater.
If you could get it for $4k and bank some money for potential future problems based on the mileage/age and most importantly - collision that salvaged it - then I would do it. Otherwise, heeeeeeelllll no. Run, dont walk.
Both of my 2008 Prius had damage, one on the rear end, the other in the driver's side doors, neither one has been negatively affected best I can tell (Other than very minor cosmetic imperfections)