And all this time I thought we were setting an example and then I find this: Bushwhacking Mother Nature: US Environmental Destruction Abroad by Heather Wokusch While some German politicians are worried about the closing of US military bases in their regions, others fear nasty surprises will surface after the Americans depart. The United States has consistently valued military power more than the environment - but at what price? Some in the White House argue that US national interests transcend greenie niceties, and this certainly was the case with Bush's 3-day stay at Buckingham Palace last year. US security forces trashed the Royal Gardens, historic statues and even the palace itself in an effort to provide the best environment for the president. The Queen's ensuing outrage didn't seem to bother Washington: if US self-protection mandates despoiling a patch of land far away, then so be it. The issue of US military bases overseas arouses similar conflicts. According to Gary Vest, an assistant deputy undersecretary of defense for environmental security, "There is not a [US] military base in the world that doesn't have some soil or ground water contamination. That is just a given." A classic case involves the Clark and Subic bases in the Philippines, which after closing in 1992, were discovered to be veritable death traps: wells had been poisoned by insecticides, industrial waste and toxic metals had been buried in random landfills, and petroleum had leaked from underground tanks. As a result, ground water and nearby agricultural lands were contaminated, and Filipinos living at or near the bases suffered from disproportionately high rates of illness. It gets worse: while the cost of decontaminating Clark and Subic was estimated to be $1 billion, the US claimed to be exempt from any clean-up liabilities, and even refused to provide technical assistance and pertinent documents. Germany's tough environmental laws and strategic importance have ensured more favorable treatment thus far, but significant problems remain. In 1999, a US Department of Defense inspector general said base cleanup costs in Germany could total at least $1 billion. Yet another black mark in the US environmental record abroad concerns toxic weaponry dumped on countries such as Afghanistan. Via independent monitoring of weapon types and delivery systems, the Uranium Medical Research Center (UMRC) indicated that "radioactive, toxic uranium alloys and hard-target uranium warheads were being used" by US-led coalition forces during 2001's Operation Enduring Freedom. UMRC's follow-up assessments of uranium contamination in Afghan civilians' urine samples found "abnormally high levels of non-depleted uranium," 400% to 2000% higher than normal population baselines. Put bluntly, in addition to littering the Afghan countryside with cluster bombs and a seismic shock warheads, it appears US-led forces helped irradiate the local environment, with unspeakable civilian health implications. Same story in Iraq. In the 1991 Gulf War, depleted uranium (DU) bullets and shells were widely used by US forces because of DU's ability to cut through conventional armor plating on tanks. DU-weaponry burns upon contact, emitting radioactive dust which can then spread across a large region. Experts at the Pentagon and the United Nations estimate that while 375 tons of DU were used in Iraq during the Gulf War, up to 2,200 tons of DU were dumped on the country by US-led coalition forces during the 2003 invasion. DU remains destructive for 4.5 billion years. But military bases and the War on Terror and aren't the only justifications given by the US for its assault on the global environment; its War on Drugs has dealt Mother Nature a separate death blow. The White House has mandated a sharp increase in funding for aerial spraying of coca and opium poppy crops abroad, despite evidence that domestic drug treatment programs are 20 times more effective than eradicating drug supply at the source. Aerial eradication, a process by which toxic herbicides are indiscriminately dumped from airplanes onto the land and water below, flies in the face of logic. A United Nations' study, for example, found that coca cultivation in Colombia tripled between 1996 and 2001, despite nearly one million acres of Colombian land having been sprayed during that time. More alarmingly, an herbicide commonly used in US-sponsored Colombian eradication programs is Roundup Ultra, a broad-spectrum Monsanto product which destroys food crops, water supplies and Amazonian bio-diversity along with the intended coca and poppy plants. According to its warning label, Roundup Ultra should not directly come into contact with bodies of water, people, grazing animals, and desired crops; regardless, the US is funding Colombia to spray such herbicides over hundreds of thousands of hectares each year. The theme is clear: too often America's War on Fill-in-the-Blank becomes a war on the environment, a trumped up justification to rape and pillage Mother Nature in the name of increased personal security. And too often this approach backfires into a spiral of destruction and resentment. It's safe to say George W. Bush will not be invited back to Buckingham Palace anytime soon - consider that door slammed. Given the ongoing attacks on American forces in Afghanistan and Iraq, it would appear US interests are not welcome there either. And it's doubtful that aerial drug eradication in Latin America will lead to much else than hungry locals enraged at Yankee destruction of their habitat. The White House has to learn that it's impossible to secure a sustainably safe environment through the destruction of nature and endangerment of people abroad.
seems legit from the environmental point of view would you elaborate rather than dismissing it just because it is politically sensitive?
It's not "politically sensitive". It's a one-sided, unsubstantiated anti-Bush diatribe. There are no facts in the article -- only allegations piled on top of one another. To call this an "article" about "environmental issues" is beyond a stretch. One example: a google of news articles yielded nothing about the alleged incident involving Bush at Buckingham Palace. Pure politics. Nothing newsworthy here.
Not surprising that the Google search didn't turn up much, It's pretty old news. However, most of the other issues mentioned in the article are current issues. The depleted uranium problem is real. It has and will have long term consequences. US military has always been dirty. We have a decomissioned Nike base that really trashed the local terrain. Seems like they just considered the earth as a filter for whatever they had to dispose of. A lot of the disposed material is highly toxic and the govt. just walked away.
maybe you just need to improve your googlong skills? Buckingham bush trash Royal Gardens
Seems to me that the Brits were in charge of the security. Please reference this article. . . And that would make sense since it's their yard and their country. :lol: Wildkow p.s. It also mentions that "W" is invited back in November.
whether he is being invited back or not is not the point. Perhaps you would comment the rest of the article?????
yes, your googling skills are very poor. Anyway, forget the Royal Gardens. What do you have to say about the rest of the article???? Anything??? Anything at all??? Didn't think so.
OK I will. The article starts out with a very brief paragraph about German concerns of closing US military bases and the environmental costs. Worthy subject. Then the article immediately and in a more extensive paragraph leads you right to George W. Bush and the alleged incident at Buckingham. The next to last paragraph also features Bush and the Buchingham Palace incident so she has framed her entire article with Bush at both ends. Should I put credence to the article or is this just another opportunity to Bush Bash? Hmmmm, let me guess I bet this is an article from a Bush Bashing publication and a dedicated Bush Hater. A quick Google on “Heather Wokusch†reveals that almost every article she writes is a diatribe against Bush. In fact among the first 6 articles I found in my google search, Bush is mention in the first or second paragraph. So is she a credible source? Nope. Just another Bush basher from the left. Another quick Google on the incident and I find that only a contingent of Secret Service was there. While the British had . . . . . ., armed officers . . . from Special Branch, the Royalty Protection and diplomatic groups and Scotland Yard's SO19 firearms unit, with David Veness, head of counter-terrorist and security operations in London, in charge. A contingent of American bodyguards will follow immediately behind in a convoy of a dozen or more vehicles and armed Scotland Yard motorcycle escorts and a number of the Americans will be armed with heavy-calibre hand guns, the paper said. A team of Special Branch officers will be responsible for the president's close protection, working with the US Secret Service team. So while Heather and her ilk would like to tie Bush into the destruction of the environment going so far as to accuse Bush’s army of clod hopping security service men of destroying trees, statutes, traumatizing the flamingoes and painting three giant “H’s†on the lawn for the helicopters (probably with lead based paints) we in fact find that the British are not only in charge but they by far have the largest group of security there, they lead the way and were responsible for his close security. Worthy subject from a mouth piece on the far left that goes unnoticed just because she uses this as another opportunity to bash Bush. Do you see what is happening my friend? The Far Left’s irrational hatred has led them into a trap carefully orchestrated by the hated Bush supporter Karl Rove. The rational Liberal’s and registered Democrat’s (the majority) have compliantly stood by hoping that somehow this will have an effect on the next election. Rove has played you so skillfully :huh: that the constant strident and often fabricated stories are instantly dismissed by scores of Democrats, Moderates and certainly almost if not all Conservatives. Even though they may contain some worthy subjects or issues. Thus you have left yourself exposed and vulnerable in the next election. Which if you keep up the constant Bush bashing will ensure that the Republicans hold power. <_< This will embolden the whacko Religious Right :blink: which will press home its far right religious agenda and the next thing ya know Armageddon. :lol: So instead of being a subject worthy of comment as jbarnhart said it's . . . That’s all the comment I have and I told you so in advance. Wildkow p.s. BTW I was incorrect on the Nov. invite back to the Palace. Anyway why would he want to go back? The place is a dump.