Carmine is always in my garage. ALWAYS. But today I sealed the driveway and was planning to go out this evening, so Carmine was parked on the street in front of my house. Daughter of the neighbors across the street came over to visit with her 1 year old boy and 3 year old twins. The 3 boys were rowdy when she left, and as she backed out she hit Carmine. All the following is on the Driver's side: - tail light plastic - white and red - are smashed. - fender is popped out, not off, but you can see the slots along the top. I'm guessing there are tabs in the top piece which fit into the slots. - bumper is pulled away, there is a space between the end piece and the middle piece - paint needs repair, her SUV is a navy blue. I've never been in an accident before this. A Facebook friend told me to insist on all Toyota approve parts, no substitutes (I wouldn't have thought of that). He said it makes a difference in the car's value when I sell it (as if I would! LOL) What else should I be aware of? **** Originally she just drove off. I found the car damaged when I was heading out for the evening - had to cancel plans. I've had the police here, so I have an accident report. Officer was the one figured out it was someone backing out of the driveway across the way. I have the accident report number. Once he spoke to the parents across the street, they phoned their daughter and she was heading to the police station to file a report. I've called my insurance co. But at that point, it was before the police arrived. I thought it was a hit and run, so that is the info they have at this point. I have a temporary claim number, and I was told an adjuster will be out in 3 to 5 business days (so that is next week Wed to Fri) and NOT to have it in to be repaired until the adjuster arrives. I think I need to phone the ins co back and let them know we know who did it? I don't have her name, address, insurance co etc. That will go on the accident report.
bummer dude, sorry to hear it. yes, that would be a good idea to let your insurance co. know. every state is different, but here, the insurance company has recommended bodyshops, and they stand behind the repairs. also, if it's not your fault, there's no deductible and you get a free rental. all the best!
that's what i was afraid of. hopefully, someone can recommend one you can trust. there are some shady operators out there.
You can insist on original body parts all you want but most still use aftermarket or used bumpers and fenders. New oem is great but used is better than aftermarket anyway because you know it will fit perfect. Besides how do you know whether its oem or aftermarket anyway after its painted? In the list of things to worry about this isn't one of them.
Bisco, I know the body shop up the street does all the work for the local Toyota dealership, so that is where I will start. I plan to stop in there tomorrow (Monday) and talk with them, get an idea of what is involved, how all this works with the insurance and such. I figure the more info I gather the better. Edthefox, he didn't say or mean I had to have NEW, only that they have to be Toyota or Toyota approved parts. I think there is a difference. Not even sure I NEED parts, well I guess I do need the new plastic covers on the tail light. The fender, I can't tell myself if that can be fixed or if it has to be replaced. And the bumper I think can be readjusted, not sure.
good idea to talk with them. after they are done, all you can do is look at paint match and finish quality. make sure wthe seams are close and evenly spaced. light lens sits properly compared to other side, etc.
I stopped in at the auto body shop this morning. I will need both a new fender and a new bumper. Once they have the accident report, they can proceed. She also said I should not be driving the car due to the tail light; the insurance company view, if the car will not pass inspection it is not drivable, so I qualify for a rental on their dime. I told her that Friday evening the police had said it was ok for me to drive, just have the accident report number with me. She said NOT to tell the ins co that, lol. Then I stopped at the police station, the accident report is not ready yet; she advised me to call tomorrow after 12 noon. So everything is on hold until then. And I just keep on driving the car. Thanks Bisco for the added info. About a year back, I had picked up a 'nail polish bottle' of the right paint so I could fill in some scratch markets, from carriages at the grocery store. That is when I learned this is the shop which does the work for the local dealership. So the paint, at least back then, was a good match.
Just thought I'd update -- Monday, the adjustor from MY ins. co called. As I have collision coverage, my ins co will deal with everything - the other insurance co, the body shop, the rental, and get reimbursed by the other ins co. Things finally started moving quickly and smoothly. My rental is a Toyota Corolla - boy it is odd driving after 5 years in a hybrid! I am much lower down, the gas pedal is highly sensitive, I have to use a KEY, and I have to remember to put the car in PARK before I can shut it off.