Take a look at this picture of my little office- It hit me today how much of a fan I am! People must think I am strange! Plus, on my cell phone I have a pic of my Prius haha
You qualify but many of us do. My daughter gets that tone in her voice (and though I can't see her face while she is talking to me from Italy, I know there is a condescending look with it), "you're so cute mom. i'm so glad you're enjoying your car, you deserve it." My friends just get that tolerant look, "there she goes again".....
I don't know. I have quite a collection of stuff myself. Not pictured are two hats, another shirt and another model car. My Prius tchotchky collection
Ooh! You have a picture of my car on your wall! - three times! Once on the calendar and twice on the poster.
I am stepping in to take full credit for the Prius Start Button Poster on the wall. I am grinning ear to ear to see it framed and hanging on someones wall. That is the one I had printed up at Shutterfly. remaxmanager had it mounted and framed, and it looks wonderful.
All Hail to BigDaddy for the *fantastic* Prius Start button Poster. My copy of it is also framed and on the wall at work. Mine's in a white frame but I think remaxmanager's black frame looks better.
ok...i'm a new prius owner..and new priuschat member. How'd you get your prius pictures to be in the calendar???
It is a really great collage. And I'm impressed that, after arranging all those tiny pictures, your eyesight is still good enough that you can read and post here.
Sad to say, but mine is still sitting in the mailing tube. Cool office remax manager, hope the office warming party was fun (or is it this weekend?)!!
Figure out a way to put that cute little chubber from your Avatar in the driver's seat safely and send it to Danny. Got this picture from a friend today, hope it is photoshop!
The picture was taken from the south shore of the Ohio River across from Cincinnati. The stadium in the background is Paul Brown Stadium. (If you're from the area, it was taken from the parking lot of the Waterfront restaurant in Covington KY.)
Not us! Because if you were, that would mean we were too, and that's simply not true. Hey, where are all the scale models? I thought all us PriusFreaks - sorry, enthusiasts - had one or two or three. Obsessed? Not me!
I only have 1 little model- if you look closely it's in the pic. I actually didn't notice it when I took the pic, but then when I was looking at it- I saw it!
I did car sales for Ford in the past, didn't enjoy it much. I am not a pressure type sales person, and the dealership kept trying to get me to be pushy. Well, the dealership was small, only about 5 customers on the lot per day, so what fraction do you figure you wanna push, causing them to not come back? Toyota would be cool- I can relate to them now I am considering relocating, and I saw an internet sales manager at a so-cal Toyota store- I was intrigued.