Rush is a good thinker, however he has gotten out of balance since he got his little ear problem which is see as more significant than the mere physical symptoms... I think it reflects much deeper things going on inside him. He has quit listening quite a while ago to others.. when you do that, you can really get off balance and see the whole world differently than every one else las if your looking through rose glasses. You think life is a certain way and are convinced everyone else is crazy, when all along, you have limited yourself to the pieces of the puzzle within your own head and psyche and have disregarded the finishing pieces outside yourself. So your picture gets all distorted and false.... but "hey" it must be right!.. because thats the way you see it? Too many people can't see outside thier box. Similiar to a goldfish sitting on the counter in his little bowl looking out the glass into the livingroom and out the patio door to the outside, and outside into the sky, trying to figure out the universe based on what he knows in his little bowl. Even if he's a really really smart Goldfish with a 200+ IQ, he still will miss it without all the facts and proper vantage point to work with. Of course then there's the issue of paradygm.
Rush is a good thinker, however he has gotten out of balance since he got his little ear problem which is see as more significant than the mere physical symptoms... I think it reflects much deeper things going on inside him. He has quit listening quite a while ago to others.. when you do that, you can really get off balance and see the whole world differently than every one else las if your looking through rose glasses. You think life is a certain way and are convinced everyone else is crazy, when all along, you have limited yourself to the pieces of the puzzle within your own head and psyche and have disregarded the finishing pieces outside yourself. So your picture gets all distorted and false.... but "hey" it must be right!.. because thats the way you see it? Too many people can't see outside thier box. Similiar to a goldfish sitting on the counter in his little bowl looking out the glass into the livingroom and out the patio door to the outside, and outside into the sky, trying to figure out the universe based on what he knows in his little bowl. Even if he's a really really smart Goldfish with a 200+ IQ, he still will miss it without all the facts and proper vantage point to work with. Of course then there's the issue of paradygm.
Rush is a good thinker, however he has gotten out of balance since he got his little ear problem which is see as more significant than the mere physical symptoms... I think it reflects much deeper things going on inside him. He has quit listening quite a while ago to others.. when you do that, you can really get off balance and see the whole world differently than every one else las if your looking through rose glasses. You think life is a certain way and are convinced everyone else is crazy, when all along, you have limited yourself to the pieces of the puzzle within your own head and psyche and have disregarded the finishing pieces outside yourself. So your picture gets all distorted and false.... but "hey" it must be right!.. because thats the way you see it? Too many people can't see outside thier box. Similiar to a goldfish sitting on the counter in his little bowl looking out the glass into the livingroom and out the patio door to the outside, and outside into the sky, trying to figure out the universe based on what he knows in his little bowl. Even if he's a really really smart Goldfish with a 200+ IQ, he still will miss it without all the facts and proper vantage point to work with. Of course then there's the issue of paradygm.
"Rush is a good thinker..." Now I've finally, really, truly heard everything! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I wish I could remember what he was talking about this morning but it had something to do with the left cause the left is responsible for everything bad, wring, etc...... Talk about paranoia.
does the prius make a statement? i guess it does kinda make a statement when a mechanic puts his wife in a prius. it says the car is pretty quality if someone who fixes cars for a living will put the most important person in his life in that car and feel good about it. we think it's been the deciding factor in about 3 prius sales for the dealership. but otherwise, no statement intended. we like the car. it's funky. it's fun. it's cheap on gas. we like it. period.
I like him because I am not an enviromentalist. I have a Prius because its a cool car and fun to drive.
Maybe I should have clarified more... "I thought it was long enough already".... he "used" to be a good thinker till he changed. Thats why most of my post can be so long... its easy to be misunderstood.
While I do occasionally listen to Rush, I find him a little too liberal for my tastes. Just kidding a little. Rush can be a little too "showy" for me. He is right in that I am making a statement with my wallet to the American automakers. I'm saying: " Build a dependable car that gets great mileage and is on the cutting edge of technology and I'll but it when I need a new car". I'd love to buy an American made vehecle but won't unless it meets my needs. If Toyota ever builds a truck that would pull our fifth wheel trailer; I'd probably buy one.
That's kind of like the neighborhood heroin dealer getting everyone hooked on his product and then saying 'oh wow, man, everyone's addicted to heroin'. Well DUH! He reminds me of Ford in that respect, coming out and saying we have a problem after he's been catering to and profiting from it for years. We don't need bush to tell us that, we already KNEW that. What is new is that now we know that he knows it.
Rush needs a shock collar and a handler who follows him around and activates his collar whenever he hares off into the realm of hypocrisy. He could have used such a handler back in his days of bashing drug addicted people, wouldn't you say?
It helps to have otherwise law-'n'-order conservatives intercede to prevent charges from even being filed, and even though he's a recidivist addict... ...while in CA, where Bush couldn't buy a vote, the Fed AG's office trains its guns on marijuana-puffing cancer patients.
I heard it was the oxycontin that was making him deaf...don't know for sure. But one pill of that stuff made me walk two feet off the ground. So I took no more. Also, he is proved wrong by Kieth Olberman daily. He is proved wrong by Al Franken daily. They have posted on their web sites the connections to his misinformation. Even personal research on his statements PROVES him wrong daily. His depth is no more than a couple of inches. He speaks with non logical conclusions, and connections in his arguments. He is truly a fool. On a par with O'Reilly. They both have crack research departments...they seem to be on crack that is. Probably the worst broadcast research of any media. You don't even need current media sources to dispute their data. A 20 year old set of Encyclopedia Britannica will do. Their opinion and knowledge of the Prius should be compared to their knowledge about any other subject. Or, take the reverse....they understand politics and world affairs as well as they understand the Prius. Rod
I don't know if it is some place on this thread or not. But it should be noted that Jeb Bush now drives a Hybrid Car! I don't know which one, just caught a reference to it. In fact, he has done a major push in Florida Government for cars that use less gas! Well, he is the slightly smarter brother to Shrub and governor of Florida which probably doesn't pay as well as President and doesn't come with a fancy gas guzzling limo. And apparently, he has been talking to his brother about the envi-ron-ment, real slow, so that may be he will start to understand. Lisa