The v5 we bought (pick up tomorrow) has vin etching. My sales guy did a dealer swap and the original dealer does this to all their cars. My sales guy said most insurance companies offer discounts from 5% to 15% on the comprehensive part of their policies. I haven't talked to my insurance guy yet. Just wondering if any of you have done this.
Yes, usaa gives a discount for it, as do other companies as well. If the discount makes up for the cost, I'm not sure, but if it has it already and you are not being charged extra for it, it is most likely a win for you.
They included etching with the tint package and the tint package was done at cost, not retail, so I'm good with it.
Mine came with some kind of etching plus body stickers. The window etching was done so poorly you can't read it, but oh well. It was all a freebie from Toyota.
I had a car I bought in 2007 that had VIN Etching. When I tried to call the 800 number they were out of business. There was no trace of the 800 number.
Hopefully, Toyota won't go out of business any time soon. Besides, why does it matter who etched the glass as long as the VIN number is correct?
Personally, unless your insurance gives a discount for it (State Farm does not), I think it's mostly a profit center for the dealership. My Prius has it and I did not want it but was forced to get it because it was already on the car. Actually, it was never disclosed to me when I was buying the car. It was called 'Express registration' and I thought was a DMV fee. When I found out that it was actually not a DMV fee, I complained about it since they never explained it, and the dealership promised to refund the fee to me, but hasn't yet. Worse, all 4 of my side windows have a number and also a phone number etched on them, which is something I didn't want.
What did they charge you for this? This is where I got mine for $19.95; VINshield: VIN Etching - Proven Auto Theft Deterrent - VIN etch - Auto Theft Protection That Works - vinetch - vinetching
Mine came with it from the dealer. Another "no charge" gimmick to make you think you're getting something for nothing. Ehhhh.... It doesn't bother me one way or the other.