Anyone else having difficulty locking or unlocking the car? After driving about 1 hour I can not use the door handle to either lock or unlock the car. If it has been driven in the rain it also will not work.
Wet door handles are always an issue, which is outlined in the manual. As to the other, do you have the fob close to the door?
We have had our new Prius v for a few weeks now. My wife and I, who did not have cars like this in the past, are getting better at targeting the finger detection sweet spot on the front door handles where the electrical resistance sensors are placed. I am wondering that when the sensors are moist because of dew, rain, or the perspiration from ones finger, they may not easily detect the presence of one's finger as well as when dry. In those high moisture instances, perhaps using the door lock button on the fob might be a better choice. We have yet to drive the car in the rain or high humidity to test what you are seeing. Here's a thought...Have you checked both front doors to see if this condition occurs at the same time, both doors? You might have a problem worth investigating with the door handle sensors on one or both doors, or the whole system relay and wires that process and interprets the detection of a finger when you have your FOB in proximity of the auto. Just my 2 cents...
Yes, the pinch technique works well in adverse conditions. Just make sure you are pinching/touching the driver side door handle on your Prius v, trim II, as that is your only handle with an antenna for trims II and III. I have also gotten used the the approx 1 second delay between touching or pinching the handle and the lock/unlock activation. Now it's touch and go (away from the car), and listen for the confirmation beep as I'm walking away.
I'd like to be able to unlock all doors at once by touching, but it appears that the key fob is the only way to do this. I tire of the beep-beep everytime.
It works on the v3. Both my fob unlocks all doors at once, and grabbing the driver's side door handle opens all doors at once, but they are separate customizations. One is under smart key system The other under wireless remote control
On the 5 you have the option to set it for all doors or just the driver door. Since it's my bride's car, we have it so it only unlocks the driver door - security issue.
Always a little confused when they say Audio Display System or With Navigation. I have a V Three, which has the now standard Map navigation app, and all of the audio is within the display. But someone told me that's not the same?