Sorry if this is in the wrong forum! But i was wondering if there is a way to make it buttons on the steering wheel brighter? At night i can hardly see them!
That assumes you're pushing the right button. They can be hard to find at night but if you touch them lightly they will light up on the dash without activating.
well yeah i know that it will appear in the dash read out, but i would like it to be a little brighter.. it looks funny in contrast to the stereo and dash lights.
There are a number of threads in various forums about the steering wheel lights being too dim. The only way to get them brighter is to swap out the LEDs for a different type or color.
Once you get used to the buttons, you'll hardly pay attention whether they're lit or not. I don't even notice them anymore.
The whole reason Toyota displays the buttons on the screen is so you do not have to look down at the buttons ! When you brush your finger over the buttons the background changes color to let you know what button you are on. Even if the lighting is not as bright as you would like the change of color is plenty obvious to me as to which button I am touching.
Your are 100% correct. And its not about function for me, its about looks. I am use to all buttons (on the dash and on the steering wheels) to be the same brightness and be able to dim all the same. Just a little weird looking to me... looks like they are burnt out a little.