Hello- I purchased a bumpshox License Frame Bracket to put in the front of my vehicle... Was wondering if it might cause some kind of mechanical turbulence around the front of the vehicle that could affect drag... in turn decreasing mpg attached is a photo of the frame...purchased on amzn.
Ummm, not sure if this is a serious question. If so, YES it will cause a reduction. If it is a joke...good one! : )
Don't laugh; We have BumpShox on our other cars. It's a deep license-plate frame with a smooth spongy "NERF" consistency to it. If a car parking in front of you taps your front bumper it's a nice little cushion. I was thinking of getting one for the new Prius and thought of the same aerodynamic question. BTW lots of BumpShox owners color over the red/white name with a black marker and say it looks better. Me, I don't care what it looks like.
When another car parked hard against the nose of my previous car, I knew that merely getting into my own car would cause a shift that would cause the license plate bolts and rough-edge frame holder to deeply gouge the rear bumper of the offending parker. So I gave my own front suspension some good bounce tests first. (The rough-edged steel plate frame was a freebie from a car wash that tended to tear off unframed front license plates.)
It probably won't hurt mileage as much as you think. The front end aerodynamics are usually pretty messy anyway, the key is getting everything smoothed out by the rear of the car and having it disconnect smoothly. I would be surprised if it made any noticeable difference in mileage. Your tires being a couple PSI low would likely add more drag.
Thanks for all the suggestions.... I got it mainly because I had two Foxtrot Bravos last year.... It is very bulky but not too ugly.....but does feel like a more rigid nerf ball...
i just bought this one too at amazon..awaiting now. was hoping it will add to frontal protection...didnt know it might hurt MPG ? hows it affecting your car so far?
I took it off temporarily to see if I get a bump in my MPG. I am averaging like 44.5-46.5 on my prius...still learning how to drive it. I really like the plate though and am anxious to put it back on. I sorta doubt it causes any bump in MPG. One thing I noticed was my air pressure was at 30 psi on all 4 tires when i checked it the first time. I bought the car a lil over a month ago. I purchased on amazon a digital tire gage that was recommended on this site to get and inflated my tires to 40. I see that your model is a 2013 and did you recently buy your car? Accutire MS-4021B Digital Tire Pressure Gauge
i got that exact tire gauge from amazon.. im loving it . and its accuracy ! filled up my prius this mornign for the first time and inflated tires to 40 psi
The licence plate is attached in the "dead" area where most drag occurs. The frame thingy should make very little difference. You can see the extent of the dead area by the distribution of dead insects remains. I've attached 4" driving lights in this area and have noticed no difference in economy.[/quote][/quote]
For who are interested getting a BumpShox, I have the 2.0 and the XL version. Before & After installed the BumpShox, I don't see any differences in mpg.....my avg is 46-48mpg.
From NoMoreNow's photos it looks like the BumpShox on our other cars are XL - although I don't recall a choice of options when we got 'em a couple years ago. I'll order one for the Prius as soon as I can. Gee, I'd better check the tire pressures. Have had the car about a month now. Thanks for the gauge recommendation!
yes..just bought a two in SGP this past august 24th...loving it..and slowly pampering it with little knick knacks ...
I just put it back on yesterday...I do not think that I am getting any loss of MPG. I currently am reading 52.9 @ 300 miles on this tank hoping that I can snake it up to 55. I also added on all 4 doors door ding guards that stick out a bit vertically.....I doubt they add any drag or very minimal if any...