Hey all, Any ideas on how to upgrade the user interface on a 2004 Prius to that of a 2006 or later? Such as the one in the attached picture with the air conditioning controls Thanks!
This has been asked for a long time in these forums. I have yet to see anything regarding how to upgrade the user experience on your MFD but many others will tell you that it takes a MASSIVE UPGRADE to all the parts in your car. I don't believe that and if I had an extra $500 I would gladly test that theory. I would love to upgrade that as well seeing as my 2008 was the red-headed stepchild that was hidden behind the shop until they saw me coming. No MP3, no SmartKey, and no beep when locking the car after I get out. Guess who didn't find out until the paperwork was signed? Still love the car, though.