My Prius must not be towed "four wheels down" as the owner's manual warns. Towing front wheels up on a dolly is permitted, however. My question: Do miles towing the car front wheels up increase on the digital odometer?
I don't think so, since the rear wheels are just along for the ride, but I'm not going to lie to you by saying that I know for sure. Usually? The drive wheels and/or transmission are where the odometer input comes from. Back in the old days, it was a gear and cable affair. Now? It's probably a magnetic pickup on an output shaft, but with the folks in Aichi, you just never know for sure. The car will be off - so I'm 99.44 percent sure that the odometer will not be incremented by the trip. Unless you're towing for many hundreds of miles, why the worry?
Thanks for the input. I would tow the car on a small flatbed trailer, but the things are so dang expensive and must be stored somewhere (assuming I would own rather than rent). I do anticipate towing my car behind a motor home about 5,000 miles a year, so it is important that the car's odometer reflect only miles driven.
The odometer will not record the rear wheel rotation. The rear tyres may wear faster than normal, however, because the car will be at an angle when on the dolly, changing the rear alignment slightly. I'm not sure how much of an effect that will have on them, but keep an eye on the tyre wear.