Oh gosh Maggie I have been working my tush off cleaning out the house I lived in for 17 years. It has been a HUGE job. I had SO much stuff in that house to go through VERY quickly so I could get it cleared out so I can put it up for sale. It's been crazy to say the least. My Prius is fine! Love it!!! Just TRYING to get me a BEV truck next. I want one but it's not looking good for me to get one here in WI. Now that I spent so much time on my house I'm backed up with my business and rushing to get caught up with that now. Maggie I will be back soon though!!! Glad you are missing me (or miss teasing me )
no, not teasing, was just curious what happened to you as you managed to make like 400 posts in two days and after that just dead silence
Yes I would like to! Not ready yet. Working on getting my commercial mortage paid off here first and then looking at moving on. Just not sure once I want to leave here I will be able to sell my new place. The business economy is bad here and I know the guy that sold me my place had a hard time getting it sold until I came along and loved it! It seems like many people here can start a business but can't make a success with it. So I'm alittle worried that could be an issue. Then the new issue would be trying to find what I need out in CA.
Well, one made today wouldn't have these issues, ya know? Go into your local car dealer and scream your head off. Where are the choices!? These existing vehicles were only made for one reason: The makers had to make them by law. They didn't want to, and let's just say we didn't get their "best effort." What we did get, considering the circumstances, is freaking amazing. What we COULD get if the makers put their mind to it would make the Prius look like yesterday's news. Sad. One thing you're likely making too big a deal out of is "service." BEVs don't reaquire any regular maintenance. Yes, they'll need the normal stuff like tires and wiper blades, but there is no service schedule (no tune up, no oil change, etc). Of course something could go wrong at any time (like with any car) and at that point you're pretty much screwed.
Of course that's the thing I'm worried about Pretty much the only thing I'm worried about except also the range decreasing over time. I wonder if my Ford dealer could fix it if need be?
You should ask them (while you're in there demanding a modern EV from the maker of the most gass-guzzling fleet on the planet). But there were only a few mechanics trained to repair these cars, and they're mostly in CA for obvious reasons.
home depot installs solar panels(partnership with BP), anyone thin theyll do good here in houston texas?
The Home Depot installers in my area won't return phone calls! Which is just fine with me since I'm not a rep for a PV installer. But I do hear this all the time from the folks I visit.
Darell, Can I ask you some questions about getting an electric car? I think I might have come up with something that might give me some of what I want and I want to run it past you to see what you think! Let me know. Tracy
NO! I'm a mean, mean guy, and will bite your head off, as you've already seen many times here! Seriously... ask away! Here or via email is dandy. If you PM me, I won't be friends with you any more. (I REALLY displike PM!)
No I know you are nice! Just needed to wake the thread up again! Ok, I want an all battery car. I'm not thrilled about the short distance I can go SO I though I would get what I want BUT in a different cheaper way. Ok so I'm thinking I want an NEV. I just got word that there was a vote in WI on allowing NEVs to be driven on the public streets. The assembly voted and it passed and now on Tuesday it's going to the Senate for a vote. Then onto the governor. Ok so IF it passes I can hopefully then be allowed to drive an NEV. I have seen some NEVs on ebay for a few thousand. So what do you think of Nevs Darell? This would give me ALL electric at a cheaper price. Of course since I'm in WI I would only be able to drive it in the summertime like I do currently with my moped. With the NEV I could have a passenger as well. (My best friend and shopping buddy) If you think this sounds like a good alternative for me than getting a BEV how long does each charge take? Since I can plug into a 110 volt than couldn't I recharge at friends houses etc? One of the reasons I love all electric cars is for how quiet they are. I'm not concerned about performace. I would work to make room to squeeze it in my garage in the wintertime. (or summertime IF need be) I hope you think this is a good solution for me. My favorite thing I did out in Vegas was driving the Gem cars (LOL) Tracy
First... you've probably already seen my scathing review of the GEM? http://www.darelldd.com/ev/gem.htm Not the biggest fan of these things! But they do have some use in smaller communities. For me, it would literally be a replacement for my bicycle. If you have no other way of getting around at 25mph without doors or any other soft of safetey equipment, then a NEV might be a good, cheap answer. For a full charge, they need to sit overnight, but you can "convenience" chage them at a friend's house any time. You should keep it plugged in whenever possible, and then you don't really worry about "how long it takes to charge." Too bad. An electric golf cart still out-performs a gas one. Hands down. From 0-10mph, a GEM is tough to beat off the line! It is all going to depend on you, and what you see your needs as being. For me, I'd rather spend a few thousand dollars on a high-end bicycle, and maybe a trailer (hey wait - I already did that!) and get my low-speed transportation and exercise all rolled up into one easy-to-park-and-maintain vehicle. If you do want a low-speed runaround, then a GEM-type vehicle is a great choice... if it means fewer gasoline vehilce trips, I'm all for it!
Darell, Well right now in the summertime I drive my moped. I was just hoping for something a bit bigger. Most roads I travel on around town ARE 25-30 miles SO I don't have any issues on going fast unless of course I want a speeding ticket! (That's why I like driving my moped I know I can't have lead foot on that LOL) I'm just thinking this might be an alternative for me at a cheaper price. Maybe I could get a NEV with a truck bed so if I needed to haul some things I could? I just want to make sure I'm not missing something here. I don't think I am but wanted to be assured. With an NEV if I buy a cheap enough one I can just put liabilty on it saving me money on insurance. Darell if I do get one would it have to be garaged in the summertime all the time? Or could I get away with just storing it for winter? If I get one I would also need to have an outlet installed on the outside of my warehouse. So are their NEVs that you would recommend? I'm really hoping I can get one with a truck bed to haul stuff around with. Nothing heavy duty or anything. Groceries etc. I guess a used one to save money.
The the GEM really is about your best answer. There are many body styles available. Here's one with a stake-side flat-bed. There are 4-seaters, and ones with long beds as well. http://www.evfinder.com/GEMTruck.JPG Not sure what the question is here. The GEM won't care if it is "garaged." It'll just need to be plugged in when not in use. These don't "store" well because of the lead-acid batteries. Lead acid just eats itself up when allowed to just sit and discharge.
I added the link that I'd forgotten! Oops. Those quotes are going to be the end of me. Why do they work sometimes, and not others?! If you store the GEM for the winter, you'll want to leave it plugged in all the time. It'll keep the batteries topped up. You would NOT want to leave it unplugged all winter unless you budget for a new set of batteries every spring.