Yesterday I was washing my Prius with Meguiars Wash & Wax (the yellow stuff). I use a soft brush made for automotive car washing, and its screwed on to the end of a pole, that came with the brush when I bought it. Well, as I was washing the hood, the plastic threaded part that the brush screws on to BROKE and fell off as I was sliding the brush across the hood You can imagine what happened next - the metal pole, now with no brush, lurched forward and GOUGED my hood a good 3-4" My questions are: Arent Prius hoods aluminum, and doesnt aluminum not rust? Should I peel the wrinkled paint off and touch it up? Does anybody have experience getting touch up paint from the dealer, and how much should I expect to pay? Im still really irritated over the whole experience. I wanted to call the company that made the brush but I bought it 4-5 years ago, what am I going to say? I might've dropped it at some point in the past five years for all I know and started a stress fracture of the plastic part and it finally broke. Who knows. Either way, it sucks.
Sorry to hear of your bad luck. Yes the Prius hood is aluminium so it does not rust as such. But it does oxidize and salt corrodes it very quickly. In the UK there are companies that supply paints to the repair trade, and I would think these also exist in the US. These will often have the ability to mix the paint to the correct paint code "found in door jamb on the black label"and put it in an aerosol can ready for spraying. I would prepare the surface with some primer before color coating. UK cost for this is £10 so $15. Hope this helps. John (Britprius)