I saw this amd having jsut sold my 2005 on craigslist thought it was funny. "brand new" loaded 2005 Prius - $25000 (san jose south) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reply to: [email protected] Date: 2006-02-12, 8:57PM PST oh well it has 40,000 miles but it smells new and don't you want to buy a car for the smell? i'll sell you my used car for more than you'd pay for a new one. i'll tell you it takes 6-9 months to get one from a dealer. that's what the dealer will tell you when you first arrive but just as you're about to leave the lot he'll tell you oh my he'll sell you the one reserved for someone else especially if you're willing to pay for a navigation system that tells you to turn right into your street because you might have forgotten where you live. call quick; i don't want to resort to lowering my price to 24,700. the HOV sticker is worth $5,000 alone. plus it gets 75 mpg. what do you want the vin for anyway? the car was well loved and from a good family. rental car? i didn't know about that. stolen? that was a long time ago. color is ghastly white or dime-a-dozen grey. call me to beg. This item has been posted by-owner. no -- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests 133444812
What the?? 75 miles per gallon? HOV sticker worth at least $5K? Will sell used car for MORE than you'd pay for a new one??? What's this guy on????
I think he must be goofing on guys like me that have sold our prius for, if not a proffit, a very small loss.
I remember reading somewhere that you cant buy a hybrid and turn around and sell it right away. Don't you have to own it for a period of time before selling it? I need to find that article again. B)
Yes, you can sell it at any time...but if you sell it too quickly, you become ineligible for the tax deduction/tax credit.
I remember reading that you need to have held on to the car for at least 2 years to be eligible for 2006 credit. You can claim it right in next year.. but if you happen to sell it earlier than 2 years you need to pay that money back to Uncle Sam.
In L.A., theres an ad in craiglist whereas a 'middle man' tries to charge a 500 dollar fee in order to find a prius for them. Not sure if he's getting lots of business, but it looks like he is--i've emailed him a couple of times. Cant believe people would actually resort to that though....all people have to do is go here and they can find the prius they want. no fee!!!
Just curious - he must have responded to you because you know what his fee is, but did you get a sense if the list is real? I cannot imagine all those cars really available based on reading about all the leg work being done by folks here looking for cars. My hunch is he makes a big list, and if you want a specific model, you will find out they "just sold out" and he will try and get you into a different package and color. Just a hunch.
That doesn't make sense. a used prius will not get the credit...... Don't freak me out i just agreed to trade my 2004 for a 2006 :blink:
I emailed him to find out if the color and package he listed on his ad is actually available. I tried to negotiate his price down, but he wont budge from 500. I would've paid maybe 100 bucks--because' cmon' all he's basically doing is pointing me to the direction of where my car is. If he respond that the car and color i want is available, then I'll do the work myself---call all the dealership within a 50 mile radius. He claims that his fee is well below the markup dealerships are charging---that might be true two years ago, but these days you can get the prius for sticker. Anyways, i didnt use his service. i found my car by calling around the dealership.
That doesn't make sense. a used prius will not get the credit...... Don't freak me out i just agreed to trade my 2004 for a 2006 yeah, I just called my tax man. I have a hard time buying that, but I want to hear it from my guy. It will change all my calculations if the tax is not what I thought.
Ok her is what I know about the tax The $3150 tax credit is for cars put into service in 2006, you must hold the car for 3 years. those of us that put cars into service in 2005 get a tax deduction of $2000, not nearly as good. If the car is not held for three years you must claim the sale in your next tax year. In my case I held my 2005 for 1 of the 2 years so I am claining it for 2005 and in 2006 I will get the $3150 for my 2006 but will have to claim the 66% of the $2000 taxdeuctionas income. Clear?