I drive 81 miles per day (home to work to home) I take on the 605 north to the 10 east on the way to work / and the 60 south to the 57 south to the 22 west to the 405 north back to my place ( in Los Angeles). My drive to work is averaging about 45 mpg but the drive home is about 56mpg. The drive back home is about 3 miles longer than the morning commute. Both passes thru hilly and upward sections of Los Angeles (to anybody whose familiar with the freeways I've mentioned). I cannot figure out why the difference in mpg. I'm on the road about 6am and leave work about 330pm. An thoughts on this issue.
am temperature should be cooler than pm. Also check the difference in elevation between your home and office. My GPS gives me the elevation when I do a "Where AM I"
I routinely get in the 80's-90's on my way to work, but my absolute record coming home is 53.8. That's because I work downhill from my house. Is there an elevation change between your work and home?
57 south to the 22 is mostly downhill, after the initial climb into Diamond Bar. The 605 to the 60 has a more gradual elevation rise, but it's still uphill. That area get pretty windy as well, is the wind at your back or are you driving into it?
Yup, going with the elevation change. I drive uphill to work and get 60-70 mpg. Going home, I get 80-90 mpg. Even a slight change makes a difference.