I got laid off at the end of April. The same tank of gas that I filled up my Prius C with that week is still in my car as the month of September begins, at roughly 50 percent. I really have very few reasons to drive in the past few months. I did a few border runs for packages, and I take it out once every week or two for groceries, and occasionally to other events on rainy days. Otherwise I've been enjoying using my bike again on lovely summer days, and taking transit to most other destinations either because of bad parking situations or better flexibility. It is not in any way economical to own a car in this situation, but the reality of my industry is that whenever I do get another job, whether in BC or Ontario, there's a very strong chance it will be in another crappy industrial park that definitely requires me to drive. And I really don't want to be so pessimistic that I'm actually imagining being out of a job for so much longer that it would save me money to sell now and buy something else later. Anyway, one question that comes to mind is that stagnant tank of gas. The 50 percent that remains has now been there for more than 4 months. Should I start getting concerned at some point that the gasoline may go bad and thus be harmful to the car in the future? Nexus 7 ? 4
sorry about the job situation, seems to be the plight for many more than government wants to admit. hope it turns around soon! it wouldn't hurt to add some stabil to the fuel as well as some fresh gas. i think 6 months is long enough to start thinking about degradation. try to drive it a few miles once a week whether you need to or not.
I know you're not going to be into buying things, but if the gas is going to be in the tank for like....6 months you may want to consider springing for a bottle of fuel stabilizer, and bringing your tank to as close to Full as you can afford. Fortunately, the Priussy has an itty-bitty fuel tank, and fuel stabilizer is pretty cheap. Notice what I said in the first part of the post! Six months. You're really not going to have to worry about this very much, and let's face it. You have a full plate already. Look at my avatar. You think I have some familiarity with vehicles whose tanks haven't been emptied in a few months? I do. The Priussy is fuel injected, and although I haven't thunked it with my fingers, I'll betcha my CPO coin it also has a plastical fuel tank, that's mostly sealed. This means that you're not fuel isn't going to evaporate into a gelatinous goo that will gum up your carburetor like what happened to your pappy's lawn mower, which is 90-percent of why everybody thinks that gas goes "stale" but cannot tell you why this happens, or what results. Besides...Priuses don't have carburetors. Those went out of vogue in the automotive world a zillon years ago. This is 2013. I live in hurricane country. The trick to dealing with hurricanes isn't surviving the storm....it's dealing with the aftermath. I keep a ready supply of fuel on hand to help mitigate this problem, and every six months I'll cycle this fuel through my vehicles. I've been doing this for decades and I don't bother with fuel stabilizer. The trick to storing fuel is to place it in a sealed container (like your gas tank.) I promise you that keeping fuel in your fuel tank for a few months while you hunt for a job isn't going to hurt your car no matter what the "experts" tell you. The reason I mentioned the stabilizer is that it's good insurance if you're going to actually park your car for 6 months and keeping your fuel tank as close to full as just a good thing to do for many reasons. Both of these steps are almost certainly unnecessary in your case. Good Luck!! If you HAVE to sell the C-model, at least it will have kept more of it's street value than many other cars that you could have bought!
Unfortunately you join way too many needing jobs because we exported them. This forum is a good networking site and you might want to let us know what are your qualificaions so someone here may be able to point you to jobs available, And do add fuel stabilizer to your tank. its relatively cheap and here my tractor, stored all winter outside, starts right up each spring like it ran yesterday. Every year for 10 years.
Thanks everyone for the input. I am not familiar with typical fuel stabilizers. If you wouldn't mind taking a browse at Canadian Tire Online Web Site does anything stand out as an appropriate and affordable choice? I could certainly add some and refill the tank. I'm OK for money at the moment - I'm on Employment Insurance, I have a roommate, and my expenses are stable as long as EI keeps coming through (I'm about 13 weeks out of 38). If EI abruptly cuts me off for any of various reasons I still have at least 6 months' cash living expenses plus long-term investments that I don't intend to tap. My qualifications: I have an M.Sc. in chemistry. My field in particular is analytical chemistry - chromatography, mass spectrometry, inorganic and organic quantitation. I finished grad school 3 years ago but have only had 13 months work experience in my field since then. I am located in the Vancouver BC area and also willing to move to Toronto, Ottawa or Montreal. When the federal government basically let go of huge numbers of scientists from all departments it really had a devastating effect on the whole job landscape all over the private sector. Unlike our neighbours to the south we currently have a government that is not interested in science. They have been busy dismantling world-renown research facilities, closing agencies, muzzling scientists in the public service, negotiating trade agreements that weaken environmental protections, and blasting the whole country with a big PR campaign about how much we need the pipelines that we don't get to scrutinize with proper environmental reviews. Analytical chemistry jobs are not easily exportable. They haven't left the country. However they have left my salary bracket. All the jobs out there either seem to be for experts who have much more experience than me, or for entry-level workers who will accept much lower pay. Employers do not want to even hire overqualified candidates out of an oddly misplaced fear they will go and find another better-paying job that doesn't exist.
I wonder if the previous posters who mentioned "our government" and "because we exported them" noticed that OP lives in Canada...
Apparently not! The job market is pretty terrible on both sides of the border, but the politics surrounding it are extremely different. As a general rule, the American relationship with government is best understood in the context that the USA was founded in a rebellion. A general distrust of government is inherent in the discourse. The Canadian relationship with government is best understood in the context that our rebellions were for responsible government, not independence. As a result the British instituted reforms intended to make government more democratic and representative. Canada was ultimately founded on good terms with the British. So while there are certainly Canadians who distrust government, the prevailing attitude is more that we aspire to have a responsible government we can trust. Galaxy Nexus ? 4
Do let us know how that works out. There are 35 million folks up there (3 million less than in California and alllllllll that elbow room!!!) and most of you are pretty satisfied with how things work up there. If your economy ever REALLY takes off, you may want to consider starting a fence....
Haha. Another difference: When you cross the border into the USA, the officer is most concerned with the assumption that you are coming into the country to stay forever, and will not let you in unless convinced otherwise. When you cross into Canada, the officer is most concerned with making sure you have been honest about what you're bringing into the country for the purpose of duties and taxation.
I don't know. I got more grief from the Canadian crossing than I did from the US crossing last month when I drove to Toronto.
Best of luck in your job search. If nothing pans out in Canada expand your search to the USA. I'm sure a company would sponsor you for a H1B work visa. Try not to stay out if work greater than 6 months.
Heh well I just hit 4 months... clock is ticking I am not sure about the USA. It makes things so much more complicated for a Canadian. My family lives in the Toronto & Ottawa areas and I have been away from them for 7 years. I feel like at this stage in my life I am not prepared to move to yet another city unless it's moving back towards home. I became an uncle a few months more than a year ago and I hate being so far away.
The same happened to me. But that was a few years ago, and there were four 18 & 19-year-olds going into Canada at 4am on a Saturday morning, with no hotel and plans to drive home that night, so the concern wasn't that unreasonable.
The border crossing guard just couldn't fathom why I would leave New York to drive into Toronto for a bachelor party... the Groom lived in Toronto...
I use STA-BIL (red stuff) only because down here in the USofA it's fairly ubiquitous, it's cheap, and I've had good success with it for things like pressure washers, chipper-shredders, and chain saws that can sit around for months at a time. As I said earlier I think it's overkill for your situation, but it's cheap insurance. Looks like this: About $5-10 (USD) ought to buy enough. Good Luck!
How about this store brand in a similar looking bottle: http://www.canadiantire.ca/AST/browse/4/Auto/3/AutoFluidsChemicals/FuelOilStabilizers/PRD~0380909P/MotoMaster+Fuel+Stabilizer.jsp?locale=en All of $3.58 for 500 mL. Or $2.39 for 250 mL.
^ Probably made by the same company. Almost certainly unnecessary in your case, but at the price it's a cheap placebo. Good Luck with the job hunt.