fight_or_flight, my ELM237 is en route and I'm just making sure I'm setup to disable those annoying reverse beeps and the seatbelt chime as well.. You're saying it's already built into the app? No need to download the gen3 specific .csv and upload?
Yes, PID files are built in the app. What i dont know is if you can disable the reverse ans seatbelt beep with the PID files.
You cannot disable the reverse and seatbelt via EngineLink. However you may be able to use a terminal app perhaps to connect and issue the commands. The default PID's have a non working Fuel Gauge. I never was able to get the Fuel Gauge working.
Has anyone played with the HV Battery PIDs? Love this app, been playing with it for about a week now, I am very interested in monitoring the high voltage traction battery but I noticed that the first 11 blocks monitor fine but HV Block 12 reads low on two different cars and HB Blocks 13 & 14 always read -327.68 volts. If you look at IR resistance for those blocks it is 0 while all other blocks are .02. Anyone else have the same issue or has anyone made HV Block 12-14 display properly? Thanks, Glenn
I get a 10 second delay on the "instant" mpg. This has been confirmed with the developer. In several weeks of attempts to read instant mpg, I usually get readings like 1340 mpg or 3000 mpg (the ICE has stopped). I have get to get an actual, accurate instant mpg. I would like to limit the max at 100. Have you added the above into the app? If so can you give me a step by step guide?
I have directions on my website. Look under "Adding Custom PIDs". There is also the custom csv I use. iPhone and iPad OBD-II Apps | Maintain-Your-Car I get the high numbers while the ICE is off and are normal because when you are moving on battery because technically you are getting infinite MPG!
Thanks, I reread your website directions. Are you using "Instantaneous MPG" from the standard PID set? If so, there is a 10 second delay making it useless for real time foot-on-gas adjustments. I have added your custom PIDs (with the 100 mpg limit) and will test tomorrow. Thanks!
I just recently purchased Engine Link and am waiting on my ODBII Wi-Fi device. Thanks for posting your website info, it is a really good write-up. I have the app for the iPad. I do not see Background Color at the bottom of the display device list. Is there something that you have to do first in order to see background color?
I sent an email to the vendor and they responded that background color change is not yet available on iPad due to differences in GUI. My WiFi device came in and I was really surprised how easy it was to configure and connect. I can see this being useful when troubleshooting under the hood or the HV battery in the rear hatch area. I can set the iPad up and will not need to continually go back to the car seat to check the SGII. As for day to day driving I will continue to use my SGII. Thanks for the help in this thread. It was most helpful.
I already have the SGII mounted just above my steering column so it is just out of the way and convenient. For Engine Link I am using my iPad as I my work cell phone is not smart. I have to set the iPad either just above the shifter or on the dash by the small side window. Engine Link appears to display a lot of the PID's that SGII can display. The different dials, bars and plots look a lot nicer than the SGII numerical display. Engine Link, at least the Gen III PID list that comes with it, only displays the standard engine diagnostic codes. I have the SGII configured to display Prius specific codes that includes the hybrid components. It can also reset the Prius warning and fault lights. If I only had Engine Link that would be OK. Like I said above I can see using Engine Link when I am working around the car and not in the seat. There are some of the Engine Link PID's that do not work or display incorrect data. Do you know of anyone that has corrected all of the PID's?
YIKES! This is VERY important info. Not having a SGII, I sure can't tell what is incorrect and/or missing! Please advise/notify anything and everything you know or are suspicious of. I will report to developer of app (thus far, he has been very responsive).
I have not compared Engine Link to SGII data. Some of the Engine Link PID's that I have found missing data are within the Gen III PID list displayed within Engine Link. Some of these are Fuel Level, VB for HV battery volts, the engine coolant temp jumps around, V14 for the battery module pair voltage. I am planning to make a list and contact the vendor support team. I have already contacted them a couple of times while waiting for my WiFi OBDII device to come in. They have been very responsive.
What is the best way to convert an Excel file to a csv file? When I convert from Excel with the Save As function the 7E0 and 7E2 headers get converted to scientific notation 7.00E+0. When I edit the file to convert the Header cells to Text and correct back to the 7E0 format and do a save, Excel converts the 7E0 back to the scientific notation.
If you right click on the cell you should be able to set the formatting to text. It's defaulting to number and causing that issue. Format numbers as text - Excel -
Thanks for response. I was setting the 7Ex headers to text in excel and then converting to csv. I found my problem was opening the csv file in excel to review which would convert the text back to scientific notation. If I opened the csv file with a text editor like Notepad then the 7Ex headers were displayed correctly.
For those that have Engine Link, if you have not updated to their latest version 3.4, you need to do so. I have worked with their Support Team and they have modified their code to accept both request headers and response headers. Previously they only accepted response headers. They have added HUD (mirror image) and have also added background color to the iPad HD version. Now we can run the ZVW30 Custom PID's for Torque file with Engine Link. This is the file that vincent1449p, cwerdna and many others have developed in another thread. Also their Prius_Gen3_US file has more correct data from the correct ECU with the use of request headers. I have added a couple of PID's that will read the Prius specific hybrid DTC's. I tested it yesterday and it worked correctly to give the number of DTC. I am going to test it today to verify that it will display a DTC correctly.