Hey guys- Okay, so real quick y'all ... I need to get my windows tinted. Tonight I had to drive down to Mississippi for a funeral that is tomorrow and I ran into my distant cousin. He has apparently been tinting cars since he was fifteen, which was unbeknownst to me until now. We got to talking and he offered to tint my windows for free while I'm down here, I just have to buy the tint. I'm not entirely sure of his ability though, as everything on this side of the family you have to take with a grain of salt. My question is, could he screw something up by doing a crappy tint job, such as the rear defrost. Also, is it difficult to remove crappy tint. I really want to give him a chance because he seemed so enthusiastic about doing it, however, I don't want my whip to get messed up in the process. Should I do it, or take it to a professional?
Yes your friend can F up your tint and your defroster royally if they don't know what they are doing. Prius is 10 windows of painstaking hell; it is easy for any pro. You get what you pay for so get a warranty. The quickest way to tell if they are a good tint shop right away is if they are doing high end cars, install clear bras, have a laser cutter to speed up work, and warranty their work.
TN tint law is much more restrictive than MS tint law. TN has a max of 35% vs MS's 28%, and you need a sticker on the driver side glass that the installation is legal in TN. So it is possible he installs 'legal' tint that you get pulled over for when you drive home.