I am 18 years old and my first car is a 2006 Red Toyota Prius with 91,980 miles. I absolutely love this car. It gets great gas mileage and runs like new. I am not worried about the rechargeable battery yet as I still get an average of 48.8 MPG. I got a great price on a great car. I get some laughs from my friends when they hear that I drive a Prius.
Oh man, what a great first car!! It's ok to smile at the ignorant, they just don't know. They don't know about the sporty handling, the room you have, the good acceleration, the sporty feel of the car, or the fact it is one of the most reliable and one of the safest cars on the road. They don't realize it is one of the most technologically advanced cars on the road today, even an older one. And they don't know you can drive for 2-3 times less fuel cost than them. It is a pleasure to be misunderstood in these ways. Welcome and congrats!
Let em laugh, just Honk and wave at them, while they are filling up their trucks at the gas station, and need a loan to do it.
Most of those who laugh are not aware that for the most part you can fillup for less than $30.00 unless you on the flashing pip and paying more than $4.00 per gallon. And that fillup will carry you a minimum of 350 miles in the winter and 450 miles and further during the summer. What makes more sense? $30 fillup or $80 fillups. I think it is a no brainer. Best of luck to you.
My coworkers all do the obligatory "laugh at the Prius", but they've all been impressed when they get a ride in it. Whether its the mileage, technology, or even just how quiet it is, they all seem to have a newfound respect for Prii after going for a ride.
Well, I still love the car to death, it does make a rattle sound coming from the motor. Everything functions just fine and the rattle isn't severe. But does the Prius make a "rattle" sound when starting or accelerating?
Yeah, the Prius does make different noises from other cars, so if you have any doubts drive a different Prius and compare. It should not "rattle" unless something is loose or someone left a tool or other object laying around under the hood. For the most part the Prius is a fairly quiet machine.
Yup, I found out that the "rattle" sound is just the sound of Toyota 4 cylinders. I was driving a V6 SUV before, so it's been a while since I've heard a 4 cylinder. Still VERY happy with the car. I impressed my brother when I told him I drove 350 miles on $18 of gas. Prius FTW!
Even more info on the "rattle" I'm guessing car dealers put in the cheapest gas they can find. Now that I have used up all the gas in the tank from the dealer, I am now using the gas that I have put in. I use mid-grade gasoline and the car purrs now. No rattle sound anymore! Very pleased.
I'm 16 and the Prius is the third car I've owned. It sure as hell beats a Civic (had an '09 coupe EX). It has so much space, technology, gas mileage, and uniqueness. What is a luxury car? One that you can leave the A/C on, listen to music via a superb sound system, leave your keys in your pocket to unlock and start it, and get a smooth ride -- all while getting double (sometimes triple) the gas mileage of a Cadillac. Instead of spending $200+ a month on fuel, you can put some of that money towards your savings, and that'll add up fast.
Man I wish my first car was a Prius! My first car was a 1985 Renault Alliance (Green). Now that was an ugly car!
Holy Toledo! $26 measly dollars to fill up your Prius Gen II fuel tank stateside? I'm elated at how cheap petrol / Gas is out there, and simultaneously horrified at the fact that my last fill up of 43 litres plus cost me a smidgin under £60 (UK Pounds). Translate that into Dollars and you'd really see by how much we poor Brits are being wantonly mugged at the fuel pumps "with malice aforethought"....!!! I'm sure your eyes would collectively water at the thought of being financially "squeezed till the pips squeak". Still, like you, I heave a sigh of relief when I buy fuel now. 43 litres used to take me 220 miles in my old MX-3 1.6i Coupe. Now the same amount of fuel stretches to 605 miles!! Even the most horrendous "stand still for hours" congested city traffic still sees me reaping a highly appreciated 560 miles to the tankful. And lastly, spare a thought for the unfortunate Brit with a large "normal" (?) car who easily hands over about £100 a week in fuel costs!! Like you, I'm laughing all the way to the Bank p.s. Congratulations on your new Prius Spaceship......truly, they are out of this world!! iPad ? HD