Hey guys, We're about to offer a Prius-specific HID kit and are looking for someone to check the kit out and install it for us. In exchange for good documentation (pictures and how-to), we can offer the parts for free. Shoot me an email if you're interested: [email protected]. Thanks!
Are you talking about the new Morimoto 5Five H11b 55watt bulbs and 50 watt ballasts? I have mine installed since last week- and they're great! A major upgrade over the 35 watt ballast/bulb combos.
I can do this as well. I bought from your guys before for my 2000 Toyota 4Runner, I retro fitted and it worked nicely. Let me know, I have DSLR that can film 1080p as well.
He contacted me once to ask some further questions, but I never heard back after that. I went ahead and installed a different product already.
I too was contacted, though I assume because I was/am a new member I wasn't picked to be their test case. I still haven't purchased a system and I'm on the fence as to whether I even should. I've been looking at the Sylvania zXe as an easier/less costly alternative (though probably not as bright). Once these guys make an announcement, and depending on cost, quality, ease of installation, etc, I'll decide one way or the other.
This is what I received from Andrew today: "Thanks for your inquiry and patience waiting on a response here. We've unfortunately already filled out open position for the kit, so stay tuned for our future product offerings. Thanks again! Andrew @ TRS" Hopefully it's a PC member who will share the experience with all of us.
Got the exact same email today. The member may have signed a non-disclosure agreement. It's after all still in beta phase and maybe TRS doesn't want discussions of their product until it's official/final.