I've come to like tailgaters. Normally on main roads I go with the flow of traffic, up to the speed limit. If someone has a problem with that, I take it as a green light to start pulse and glide techniques. Saves petrol and it's fun. On an entirely unrelated note, we also have stricter gun laws than you guys.
Pompous Prius drivers or just moronic legacy car drivers? I'm pretty sure most of my tailgaters are the latter - and I don't care what they think. They can either stay back until they can pass, or if they make the choice to try to intimidate, I will make the choice to frustrate them once provoked. I just don't care... and I'm more than willing to use my knowledge of the road and traffic observation to "encourage" them to pass in situations where I know I can position myself in front of them again. That's absolutely hilarious, I can tell you. It blows their minds.
Note that we have a very broad variety of gun laws over here. And the fears expressed about getting shot on the road are not coming from the geographies that diverge most from your laws.
"Why are they picking on me"..."It's not fair"..."Don't they understand I'm right, and they are wrong"...and on and on... This thread is nothing more than a self righteous pity party. From the gas hog tailgater to the extreme pulse and glider, everyone who drives different is an -ss h-le...except the one complaining. Get over it.
Nah, it's not. The Hyundai owner/shooter is Andy Richter, announcer/co-host of "Conan" on TBS (Conan O'Brien, late-night comedy talk show host--for those not in the US). Looks like a spoof to me. I don't know the history of the clip, but it's most definitely not a legit commercial.
It seems to be claimed by The Midnight Show, who have a lot of spoof-style videos on YouTube. Their upload of this video is here: fuzzy1 - I do not know. Gun ownership here is a privilege not a right, self-defence is not an accepted reason to own a gun, it is illegal for most people to carry and there are significant restrictions on storage and transport. Of course not everyone does things legally but basically it's a different conversation down here (so some people see us as being from Planet X ). We're getting off topic though so I probably should leave it there.
Something else I hate, when I have to wait for a huge line of cars, so that I can make a turn into a street but there is no traffic light, ...and the driver behind me feels obligated to beep the horn because I'm not aggressive enough to cut and turn into the street. Excuse me for being cautious! so I screamed "Quit beeping you a-----e" after the turn with my windows down (Disclaimer: srsly, don't yell at the driver behind you like I did...) I mean, what was I supposed to do? Jump into traffic and cause an accident? - and this also happens in the winter when the roads turn to ice
I was on the receiving end this morning of some clown in a ComEd truck giving me the thumb out the window & a "MOVE OVER" gesture on the interstate today. Apparently passing a tanker truck & already going 8MPH over the speed limit wasn't fast enough for this guy.
That's surprising, since all of our utility vehicles have GPS units in them. Go 5 mph over the speed limit??? ...and your boss' boss gets a robo-message, causing angry phone calls and emails. SO....I drive a Prius every day...AT the posted speed limit. I really don't encounter that much hate and rage, but mostly it's a combination of living in a less congested area and trying hard not to be a road plug. Still.....morons are everywhere. Every now and then I'll encounter a tailgater. Want to know a secret? You can ignore them. It's EASY! They're already pissed (the American kind of pissed, not the other kind!) and acting like a 4-year old. Why is it that people always think that if THEY also get pissed and act like a four year old that it will in any way help the situation??? Life is way to short to get your undies in a bunch over crap like that! Oh and the Prius 'commercial'???? I wish it were a real commercial! Love it!
Slower traffic keep right... doesn't matter how far over the speed limit you are going. But it sounds like you were passing and the other guy was being a jerk. Such is life.
Yep. I was trying to allow for enough space to then get back over to the right, and NOT cut off the tanker I was passing in the 1st place. Oh well, like ETC (SS) said, I just ignored him. Shook my head a little, and went back to the right where I usually reside anyway after it was safe to do so.
Exactly... it's actually illegal to speed up when someone is attempting to pass you... 2 wrongs don't make a right... but 3 lefts do.