Does anyone know the trick to viewing Song Title / Artist Name on cds? I have a 2006 with the JBL 6-cd changer. I've tried cds that I've purchased (older ones) and ones that I've ripped with no luck. Any secrets to this?
Agreed that it depends on the software used to burn the CD. I use iTunes and it doesn't give the song/artist info. There was another thread a while back about a program that did but I don't remember. (EDIT: There are a couple of threads in the Audio & Electronics forum, and it seems to be Nero that lets you write the info to the CD.) I have one purchased CD that does display the info...and it was released in '99, so I have no idea why it does and brand new releases don't! Just depends, I guess.
I use iTunes as well. The options in Preferences include > Data CD, but that doesn't work either. The iTunes Help wasn't any help and I did look up on song titles on PC and didn't find anything.
Most cd burning software these days will make cd-text for you. And I mean true cd-buring software where that is its primary purpose. Not iTunes and the like. With Nero I just copy my audio cd's and it downloads the cd-text and puts it on as it burns. Nothing special to do....well other than click "yes" when it asks if it is ok if it downloads the info. I never use my original in my car. That way if something is stolen, scratched, lost...whatever I still have the orginal. And the copy is superior because it has the cd-text. Unless you are one of those people who has to look cool by not having copies it is the way to go.
older models don't play MP3s.. the '06s do right? Nero is the only one. This has been an onging topic for.. oh.. years. Nero has been the only one to ever display. Every program has been tried. Unless someone can prove this wrong... then.. yeah.. Nero.
winamp will burn a cd that works in the prius? most programs do the cd text.. i'm only speaking about a program that will work in the prius. I don't count the 06 model since it's been upgraded.
Aha! A young guy at work explained to me what I was doing wrong. When I ripped the cd I was using songs I had downloaded from the iTunes store which are in a Protected AAC audio file format. I had been using the burn audio cd function. I turned on the burn mp3 function and selected only MP3 files. Ripped them to a cd and viola! Shows up on the screen. Now when I started moving, they all went blank! Damn car. LOL. Now on to figuring out the Nano! Thanks for the help.
Yes, iTunes works fine for adding the title and artist info to MP3 files as long as you create a music mp3 format disk. As far as AAC files are concerned, it is possible to have iTunes convert those (as long as they aren't protected ones from the iTunes store). There are some instructions available online for how to conveniently convert from AAC to MP3. The only simple thing to do with iTunes purchased music is to create a music CD and then import them as MP3. One other little tip about using iTunes to create a MP3 disk for the Prius: iTunes uses the ordering that you have when you create the CD. So if you order your selection for burning via song name or date or some such, you end up with a CD with one ROOT folder and all the songs in that. If you sort by album (by clicking the album name column) you then get a CD which has a folder for each album which you then can navigate in the car. I find that a lot nicer. I also was surprised that the folder info and song details disappear when the car is moving. Protecting us from ourselves I guess but I would prefer a little less over-protectiveness. I wonder if that can be turned off?
Thanks. This is very helpful. I will do it that way next time (I was wondering what ROOT folder meant.) Side note: its funny that the bar charts are designed to be watched, yet they turn off the songs.