Hi all, I'm brand new to the Prius group. Just purchased my 2013 Prius C Three last week and have loved 90% of the car so far. The 10% that I don't love I'll attribute directly to the limitations and poor interface in the Entune software (to me, just looks like lazy drafting of the program). I was encouraged to hear that Apple is planning on integrating its iOS features into car manufacturer's navigation displays. Being the owner of an iPhone 5, and a car with a navigation display, I was pleasantly pleased by this. However, I curiously did not see Toyota's name in the list of manufacturers planning on introducing this software. Any idea if Toyota will in the future allow the Entune system to be overridden by iOS?
Probably not. They were listed in last year's announcement of car companies considering support for siri eyes free in the car, but then comments from Toyota bigwigs came out indicating they were not really interested. This weeks announcement of full blown iOSsification of cars did not include Toyota as one of the supporters.
Toyota isn't supporting "iOS in the car" so I doubt it, at least not for the time being. I'm sure if Toyota does support it later it'll be like "Starting with our 2015 models..."