I've noticed when I drive and no one is sitting in the passenger seat, the seat rattles and vibrates alot. More so than any other car I've driven. Is this normal? It's the seat back that shakes. It just doesn't seem very solid. Is it just the nature of the seat Toyota puts in subcompact cars?
I just bought my 2013 Prius C on August 4 and there is no shaking or rattling. I would definitely get it serviced. The only problem I've had so far is I accidentally pushed on the trip meter to reset my trip mileage when it was on ODO. I didn't know this at the time but that changes you from MPH to KPH. I was wondering why everyone was tailgating me when I was doing the speed limit until I realized I was only going 35 KPH. I pulled over and called the service department at my dealer but got a new tech that didn't know how to reset it so he told me to bring it in. So I went to the owners manual and that's when I learned that some models do this if you push Trip while it's in ODO.
Before you go to a dealer, just jump in that seat and try to slide it forward or back a bit and ensure it's firmly locked in place... it's not unusual after you've adjusted it that if you just try to rock it forward or back with your weight you'll hear a big clunk as it locks if it didn't do so cleanly.
Thanks for all the advice guys! I may just have to take it in. I made sure it "clicked" into place but when I drive on the highway, 70+ mph, that's when I notice the passenger seat back/headrest just vibrating like crazy. I have a feeling the dealership will just tell me its normal. It just doesn't feel like a solid seat.
I'm having the same problem with my front passenger seat on my pruis c 2013. I've taken it to the toyota dealer 7 times and they have done so many different things to it and it's still making that rattling sound when I hit a bump in the road. They are now ordering a new seat and replacing the one in the car.
Ohhh! Glad I found this thread, this is exactly what I'm experiencing with my new Prius v as well. As soon as I hit bumps, the passenger seat shakes & vibrates a lot. I thought it was a the belt metal clip that was banging against the plastic but it's the seat itself! It's really annoying! I'll report it to the dealer!
I was finally able to get my seat fixed after all theset trips to Toyota. I'm told they replaced the seat back on the front passenger seat of my 13 Prius c 3.
I have no idea why they wouldn't replace the whole seat. Funny after they said they replaced the seat back the sound came back. I took it in a few more times and they finally said they replaced the seat track. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.