Got them in, but they give this push button thing for the top hole. I can't figure out how to get it to go in without risking breaking the plastic thing I push in. The instructions are for a 2009 Prius install, so they show three bolts rather than the two bolt/push button configuration on my 2013. Anyone else been there?
I have the same mudflaps- you have to pull the center pin outwards so you can compress the 4 prongs of the pushpin then insert it in the hole in the fender. Once it's in- press the center pin all the way in to expand and lock the pushpin.
Oh, that much I know, but I can't seem to make that pin go in without risking breaking it. Perhaps I need something to really push the pushpin in deeper? If it's not lined up right, that center pin just sticks before you get it all the way in.
Do you mean the REAR ones? Those I already have done. The front ones have one bolt on the bottom, one on the lower front and the push pin at the upper front.
I might try putting the pushpin in BEHIND the mud flap (get it in farther) and use a thin flat washer with the pushpin to help secure things in FRONT of the mud flap.
Figured it out. The instructions show you to pry the top push fastener (OEM) for installation, but I didn't realize that it too is a form of fastener with a pushpin and base. I tried my idea above, and it didn't work. Fiddling around, I accidentally pulled out the OEM base and realized it comes out. Then I put the new fastener on and it went in with no problems. It doesn't hold all that well. I'm not sure if it matters or not. I suppose I could go and pick up an aftermarket pack of pushpin fasteners and replace them if I don't like the ones that came with the mud flaps.