There has been a few negative or rude comments lately and I would like give my observations after participating in a number of forums over the years. It is pretty gentle here in comparison to some. It waxes and wanes but I'd like to see people enjoy and contribute to this community instead of wondering if they may be criticized unfairly. If you see posts that extoll the virtues of pink tire valve cover caps and a number of people have replied in the affirmative it is not incumbent on you or me to to say “Looks like crap”. Just move on and find something that interests you. In this case a person is insulting all of those that have replied.“If you don't have something nice to say, say nothing” is not just prudent, it is civilized. If you are offended it might be easier to not respond. There is a wide range of knowledge and age here. To assume that the person you are responding to has little experience (or a lot) is often a source of hard feelings. If a person does respond to a post and assumes you have little experience do not take it as a personal affront to your integrity in the universe. We are all welcome here, I believe. Your politics are your own. Please refrain from adding little snipes and not expect a retribution of some kind ( maybe from me). This is a Prius forum and there are plenty of political forums where you can voice your long anticipated views. There is even a section of Fred's House of Pancakes here if you really feel the need. Please read the posts carefully. What you first read may not be accurate or may be clarified later. If you can, please use fairly proper punctuation and spelling. You can't really expect a detailed response when a post has had only a little effort (yes, I know about smart?phone difficulties and do take this into account ). Humor is a double edged sword. I love humor but I accept that I may offend some and am willing to pay the price. Not everyone thinks a Hippo pooping is funny. Go figure? Warning: This video shows mammalian defecation and may be offensive to people over 7 years old. If I had to sum it up I'd say please show respect. Let's act like we are all pretty nice people.
I disagree with "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything". A lot in life wouldn't of changed for the better if people were afraid to say things that at the time weren't considered "nice". Historically what has been considered "Nice" or "Acceptable" or even "Popular" is not static. Thank god for those in humanity that said hard things that sometimes we needed to hear. I also think it's perfectly viable to present a dissenting PERSONAL opinion on almost anything without insult to anyone. Often times a person will post "What do you think about X?" I'm assuming that's asking for opinions and those opinions may be both supportive and unsupportive, affirmative and in the negative. If we are afraid to be honest with our opinions? Then this site is weakened not strengthened. And it's a false statement to say that if 8 people post they love "Pink Tire Stems" and I post " I dislike Pink Tire Stems"...that I'm somehow insulting everyone that has said they love them. NO...I just have a different opinion. People should have the freedom to like...and dislike. Otherwise we are all just zombies wandering around in eternal sunshine. I assume people can take or leave my opinion. I expect a level of adulthood. I don't think if I say I dislike "Stick Figure" stickers that so many people like to put on their vehicles, that those that do like them are going to read my post and break down crying and run out to their vehicles with razor blades to remove them. I don't have that much power. Unnecessary harping...or nit picking? Sure....let's be adult. But dissenting opinions? Those MUST be supported. Otherwise "Prius Chat" becomes nothing but the mutual admiration society, where everyone is afraid to really be honest with their opinions. Whether or not we are "insulted" by something is our personal choice. People can feel free to disagree with me, and I won't be insulted. I assume and hope for the same reciprocal behavior.
That edict is mostly applied to personal observations, not fact or opinion about E.g. pink valve stems. As for the stems, I doubt much trouble develops from saying "pink stems are not for me, but if you like them then cheers," whereas "anybody who likes pink stems was probably a red diaper baby and is best shot" might start an argument.
Moderators would not tolerate personal attacks so those posts are removed, but this is a privately-owned public forum and some people actually want honest opinions including if it looks like crap. It's okay to disagree or offer a different opinion, just don't turn it into some personal attack. Nevertheless, members here are generally very well-behaved compared to other forums full of "Cool story, bro" posters. If you don't know this, you haven't been on enough forums and would realize it if you get out more often.
That, I believe, is a contradictory statement! (Forum habitués tend to not get out often enough, or at least I know that's true for me sometimes.)
I have spent a good deal in my life supporting dissent and still do, but petty snipes or vitriolic ramblings do nothing to further a productive conversation. It turns it off at the tap. I sincerly doubt that asking for hesitancy on a post or a minor measure of civility on Priuschat will plunge our country down the slippery slope of repealing the First Amendment. P.S. Zombies do not prefer eternal sunshine, I believe. It mitigates the element of surprise.
There's more to life than just Prius. And in real life you are subject to praise and negativity and even defamation. I agree that certain restraint should be considered based on morality but this is a public forum and should be free for anyone to say what they want. We live in a democracy and free speech is one of the rights. I also agree that this is one of the nicest forums but not all Prius owners are nice people, especially in Los Angeles. Please visit the Joke of the Day thread. There, you can post and read jokes that offend everyone whatever race, color, nationality, or social status, or upbringing you come from
Yeah, PriusChat is pretty tame as compared to the majority of car forums. At least from what I've seen. I also don't approve of hippo poop!
Yes. I'm not sure if everyone realizes, but often it seems the moderators quietly delete personal attacks and certain arguments. I've seen it happen, including to some where I've been involved. I did notice that the OP was edited by a moderator. I wonder what he changed. Yep. It's tame partly because of the moderation. Hehehe about the video. I'd never seen that one before.
PriusChat is one of the best forums I participate. I like the members here, their expertise and willingness to assist. I would estimate an older crowd, but impressed with the savvy younger group who embrace the Prius. I joined one of the Lexus forums. Much younger crowd, big into modding, and can be brutal in their replies. As a result, I seldom visit. I will never openly criticize anyone's vehicle, their mods, or personal taste. One of my pet peeves, which isn't an issue here, is the glorification of street racing.
Forums are full of a--holes. They've always been that way, and I suppose they come in waves. The worst is political. I don't like politics anyway since it's all boring, sensitive, un-happy news. Best way to avoid rude comments is to expect them when you post, but also plan on not responding to them. This will help you find the right words.
If I point out that Pink Valve Stems are illegal in Lower Sestonia, it is to protect those in the region from emulating you. I have no issue if they are legal in your area, but am warning other readers that they may not be legal for them. Legal City :: You and Your Rights :: Incitement