So today, I was driving and saw a Prius with a ferrari symbol on it, on the front Hood. It looked very unique, like nothing Ive ever sen before? Has anyone else ever seen a Prius Ferrari before? I would like to know what kind of engine it had
People putting badges from other cars onto their car is pretty common. It fools a lot of the people that don't know anything about cars (obviously) but makes you look like an idiot to those that know anything. Ferrari and the Prius have absolutely nothing in common and no relationship to share badges like that. Sort of like how people used to put "Type R" badges on everything. Equally silly.
If you had to choose between the Ferrari symbol and Buick portholes, which would you choose? Now you understand! Some people ain't got no taste.
Anyone can buy a Ferrari decal on the net from China or print one themselvers on their computer. Personally, I prefer the McLaren M4-12PC sticker. nd BTW the latest LaFerrari and Porsche 918 hybrids sport more than 850 hp and still get 20 mpg. Now if we can convince Toyota to turbo the upcoming Priu D and still get 40 mpg they'l have a waiting line the likes you never imagined based on a survey last week at the track. Every single one would like a 180 hp Priud D getting 40 mpg , based on the Mazda2 chassis, Go Toyota !
you reminded me of this article re they have nothing in common after Ferrari stated that thier vehicles are more environmentally friendly than a Prius Save the Earth: Drive a Ferrari - Feature - Car and Driver
i appreciate the article was somewhat tongue in cheek, and respect that the main message was the truism that driving less is the most fuel efficient and environmentally friendly option... but i'd also wager that ferrari drivers likely don't drive less, they just drive their ferraris less.