Unfortunately driving "normally" and driving "economically" (read *intelligently*) are not quite synonymous with each other. Yet.
Don't know about that... cruise control on the highway at 55 (speed limit 50) nets me over 60 mpgs...
Where I live if you cruise at 55 on the highway, you get run over. Hell, if you cruise at 80 on the highway, you get run over. This is why I avoid the highway like the plague!
Same here, but it depends on the speed limit. If you are doing 80 in a 50, you are going to get noticed.
I have maintained since my husband got our first Prius that we may actually be contributing to the pollution problem, by the way people feel they must race around us for not burning away from the stoplights or being bullied into driving faster due to someone riding close. I just smile as I pull up beside the same driver at the next light! Go Prius owners!!!!
I personally haven't noticed much angst from other drivers while I'm on the road. I don't think the anti-prius mentality is very well established here in central Ohio, at least not like it is in Cali. That doesn't mean I haven't had any bad experiences, but they aren't necessarily because of the Prius. I had one lady SUV driver screaming at me something about me trying to kill her kids. She was drunk and driving her kids somewhere at around 12:15am, I think she needed to reassess the situation a little. I was following the speed limits and driving quite safely, even making an active effort to not drive like a Prius when other drivers would be affected by my driving. When she started honking though, my C suddenly become very slow and annoyingly Prius like. Edit: I have the video with the time stamp, it was 12:20am. No, the video is quite boring and looks like normal driving is going on aside from a horn suddenly blaring up...that and my singing is reason enough on its own to not post it. Unfortunately I was at my destination and unthinkingly turned the car off, and thus the camera, before the part about me trying to kill her kids.
I have owned about 25 cars over the years, and I can say that people are just rude and hostile when I drive my "C". I have never experienced anything like this in my past cars. Anyway, I am the one laughing all the way to the bank! 55 MPG is my norm.
+1 quite «Pavlovian» these Prii My driving "style" has changed quite a bit since buying the Prius. iPhone ? - now Free
You mean the car that cut in front of you because they needed to get the light that was about to turn red first, only to not pay attention when it turned green?
No, I mean, at the intersection, when I'm about to turn and keep going, I have to use my brakes and wait for only that one car.
oh. my. god. this happened to me the other day. how a person can be so impatient to get to a red, and then out to lunch when it turns green just makes me go:
I'm not sure its the Prius. Its changed driving habits. On the highway drivers cannot tolerate if if you leave even one car length of space between you and the car in front of you - even if you and that car in front are moving at the same speed. The same thing happened to me when I drove a BMW. My grandmother said "drive like everyone else on the road is crazy." My sense these days is that just about everyone on the highway IS crazy!
yesterday I drove a retuned Fart car, er, Smart, car and I discovered derision of that is many times greater than a Prissy. In fact if you don't drive like some lilly fingerered pitty putter you don't get hate at all. Especially if they have to catch up to you. Thats no option in a Smart car, or Fiat 500, non Abarth version. And if you wale into an interstate entrance loop well over the posted linit they tend to get downright befuddled.
I drove the car home from the dealership an hour or so ago and there was already someone tailgating me. I also saw them shake their head in the rear view. I was going a little over the speed limit in a residential area anyway. Who cares! Go Prii!
Sharing is caring, whether it's sharing the hate or otherwise. All the college kids are back from summer, so now I can piss them all off by driving slow.
My goal is to get 500 miles out of every tank. I do the speed limit or slightly below that limit. So, in my mind the new winner of today's driver is who pays the less at the pump or best MPG, who cares about MPH? Who cares how fast a car is. Its so retarded, I care how about much I spend at the pump. So by all, means peddle to the metal, drive as fast as you want. By my thinking - what a loser! Pass me, and have a great next fill up! Knowing what I know from monitoring my MPG in the PRIUS, those yo yos cant be getting even 5 MPG. No that takes a real genius to drive like that.
What's a Prius Plug In driver to do? My one way work commute is 9.8 miles, 80% interstate. To stay in EV mode, I drive 62 with cruise control on, far right lane only. It's three lanes in both directions, light to moderate traffic. Regardless what other's think, I'm less a hazard than the majority of others that drive greater than the speed limit. Speeding, while maintaining the flow of traffic is not a winning strategy in traffic court. Speed is radar enforced most days. Normally one to two cars pulled over morning and evening as I cruise to work and home.
What's wrong wit being a retiree???????? I'm almost 70 and I think the car drives fine. 1) Pull in behind another slow driver. The car behind you will blame the other driver. 2) Definition of a reckless driver. Someone who passes you after you everything you can to keep them from passing you. John
Well it happen again, pulled out from a shopping center and headed to a red light, PU truck TOYOTA did not think i was going fast enough to a RED light, so blinds me with high beams! Unreal!