As a newbie here, just curious what Prius owners do for a living. They say engineers happen to be intrigued by the mechanics of the Prius. I am a registered nurse and have a 90 mile round trip drive to work, which is why I chose the Prius. Since the average age for a Prius owner is in the 50s, I assume a lot of Prius owners are retired. So, what do you do for a living?
Here's a few replies: Prius Owners Poll - What do you do for a living? | PriusChat What do you do for a living? | PriusChat What do you do for a living? | PriusChat Prius C Owners What do you do for a living and why the C? | PriusChat
Good to see the car is still winning younger drivers too. Everyone likes spending less on gas. Sounds like your daily trek is an ideal situation for the Prius.
We just sold our 2004 Prius to my 17 year old sister in law. She loves it! I was surprised she'd want it.
A lot of younger people dig the Prius, it's just that they typically can't afford one. Hence they typically by Scions, Honda Civics, etc. I'm 40 and get approached by people in their 20s and 30s all the time complementing me on my Prius and saying they are jealous. So, I don't think the Prius skews older for any reason other than the fact that it's a bit on the expensive side for younger 'kids'.
Yeah the Auto Shoppe owner who has sold me the 2001 Prius told me his daughter wanted it. He had several people wanting it but I bought it after driving it once. Still making payments, etc. But I love the car. I know a lot of younger people think it is a really cool car.
It's going to be a very cool car real soon because of the Middle East crisis I would expect gas prices to really spike. That's when we shine! Any spike in gas prices and the forum gets flooded with Prius questions.
Well this is a bit different. I have known these mechanics for years and have worked on both my mothers car and my car for a long time. I have trusted them and know the owner of the Shoppe who is sort of retired now. He is not really a car salesman. He is the manager of the Auto Shoppe. Anyway I have talked to a number of young people and they do think the Prius is a cool car.
That is true. Which was one reason why I bought this car despite the mileage, etc. My previous car was basically a Corolla. It was a Geo Prizm 96 with about 160,000 miles on it. Someone did a hit and run on my car about a block from the Auto Shoppe. Basically the front end of my car was totalled. I had it towed to the Auto Shoppe where they were working on my mother's car on the computer that went out. She has a 97 White Thunderbird with only about 42,000 miles on it. It is a v6 and takes a lot more gas than the Prizm did or the Prius for sure. Anyway insurance company totalled the Prius. It would cost me more to fix than worth. I knew that. So I put a down payment on the Prius from what the insurance company gave me. More than I thought and am making about six payments. Made one so far. It has worked out. I knew when I drove Blue Ray it was meant for me. He has become like my friend as well.
I fit the stereotype......... I'm 56 and retired. However, I do work a couple of days a week at the local golf course when they want additional help mowing greens or cutting cups. I usually set the cups for tournaments since I know how to make them difficult.
I do tech support for an online photo company. Worked in the film industry, also in tech support, previously for Lucasfilm, Disney.
Just turned 63, and I don't ever want to retire. I could, but why sit around and be bored with less money to spend? 1970-present - retired military and self employed.
I agree. Life is too short to sit around and be bored. There is too much to do! If a person manages their money, it's possible to retire with a larger income than during the "working" years. It's all about planning and discipline during those "working" years.