When picking up my car from Fitzgerald Automall service on Wednesday, the service writer told me that they performed the procedure for a recall on the Prius. He couldn't tell me specifically what it entailed but on the receipt it said: PERFORM RECALL 40D PRIUS HV COMP PERFORM RECALL 40D COMPLETE 40D CAMPAIGN (REFLASH ECU) Has anyone else had the procedure done on their car for this recall? The service writer did tell me that they only had this recall there for two days. Randy
An aquaintence with a 2K4 ( first I knew about back in Nov) told me Wednesday she just got an ECU recall. Didn't know anymore and isn't real technical. They actually used the word "RECALL"? Based on prior posts, I gather that makes it pretty general and maybe safety related?
Yep, they used the Recall word. My original posting was taken verbatim off of the receipt/work order.
I've had the 40A. My car's at the dealer right now for it's 10k ($54.95, argh...). I'll ask my SA about it when I pick up the car. -Rick
I would say the first thing to look at will be your maintenance screen showing all of those codes. I believe Rick pointed out that one of them is a software/firmware version #. Perhaps this is the fix that will eliminate the "guess gauge"?
Yea, get back to us on what they say, or better, get them to print off the actual recall/SSC report off the net for you and copy it here to the files so we can all see what's going on. My SA said there were no open campaigns yesterday when I had my 8k mile service....not that I completely trust them.
Just returned from an appointment to have my little "applique issue" resolved (decided against it, after further review). SA said he was seeing nothing concerning any open "campaign".
My SA did confirm the existance of 40D. It is also an ECU Reprogram. The issue is open on my car. Next week or so when I go in for an alignment, they'll perform it on my car. I don't have the text, but those with techinfo access could easily download the PDF version of it. My vin ends in 09090. -Rick
Just opened my mail and got this from the dealer: Toyota recently announced a recall SSC 40D that will take about 2 hours to complete. This procedure should be performed as soon as possible. This condition could potentially be a safety risk. ..... Anybody get any more info? VIN 46071
What are the last 5 digits of your VIN number? I haven't gotten anything. Wondering if it's universal or just certain Prii.
The Toyota Service Center 888-270-9371 just now told me that it affects some 23,000 Priuses (ouch!) built between August 2003 and February 2004, and these are not within one or a small number of continuous ranges of VINs (that is, there are too many VINs to list). If you provide a VIN they will be happy to confirm whether it is affected. Hmm, I should expect but didn't think to ask whether the SSC 40D notice is being sent only to the owners of record of affected VINs.
I hadn't gotten any mail, so I called, and mine is covered so I guess I'll try to get it done at the 5K service.
I just received the notice and called. My VIN is on the list so I will be making an appt. as well. They mentioned that this service campaign is covering many, many VIN's.