Testing to see if I got my signature working correct. If it doesnt work, some advice is appreciated as to what I may be doing wrong.
You need the BB code from Fuelly rather than HTML. FAQ: How do I use a Fuelly forum signature/badge? | Fuelly
I've been wondering how I can get Fuelly into my signature. Can't seem to figure it out. I'll be watching this thread for some tips.
Ok now I am trying the BBcode with the "General Code" option. ....and....didn't work Not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Yes. Maybe its broken. I even got my web designing husband to help me with it and he said he had no idea why it wasn't working.
I'm not sure what's wrong when you try it - I just doubled up my signature by adding the large Fuelly badge, and they're now both showing.
Looks like it is working now parrotlover. I got rid of the [ code ] you had at the beginning and end of the signature.