Hello all, I am hoping to find out if anyone else has had issues with this. I recently changed to Tmobile for my cell carrier from Verizon. I have the same model of phone with both carriers the samsung S3. I have recently been told a few times that when I am using the Bluetooth in my 2012 prius package 3 that it will occasionally sound like I am holing my phone out the window. I loud static wind sound. If I turn the Bluetooth off it immediately goes away so it is not just the phone. Now it is not a constant sound and appears to go in and out but it is loud enough and frequent enough to cause problems with trying to have a conversation. Anyone else ever experienced or heard of this. Only thing similar I was able to find using search feature was someone stating that positioning of where I had the phone sitting in the car could cause problems due to some kind of interence from the prius radio system. Any help or ideas are greatly appreciated.
I leave my phone in the cup holder. I have no probs. T-Mobile, S4. Try leaving it unplugged. Maybe it is related to charging. If you turn off WiFi when not using it, the battery will last all day. Your description points to Blue Tooth interference. If it was T-Mobile, it would continue to happen whether you were connected to the car or not. Another thing I noticed is anomalies occur when Entune is not running on the phone. Like when you reboot the phone and forget to launch the Entune App.
ahh thanks that is a great thought. That entune app..... is lets be nice and called it a bit challenged. Very likely i am not running it at the time. I usually have wifi off and I am not charging it when this happens. I think it is normally just sitting in my passenger seat. I agree if it was tmobile I should have the issue without the BT on as well. Only thing I was wondering is if it was something with the sw difference in the tmobile S3 Vs Verizon. But if you are not having the problem that shouldn't be it. I will try placing it in the cupholder. Just to be specific do you use the one closer to the radio or farther back since there are 2? I am also going to try un pairing and repairing it just for kicks. The other thing is that it could be my specific phone having a defect in the BT transmitter... maybe I will try it with a seperate BT headset to rule out the prius or the phone transmitter
You have some good thoughts. It's a process of elimination. Have you installed Samsung Kies on your computer and connected the phone to get the latest firmware? That could help as well. I use the cup-holder closer to the radio.
well based on the fact that I am saying... what is Samsung Kies in my head I would guess I haven't lol. Is that something specific to tmobile? Or newer on the S3 or have I just been missing that all along? Btw thanks for the assistance it is greatly appreciated.
Follow this link to Samsung and follow the prompts. Download Center: Download Software, Firmware, Drivers & Manuals | Samsung Samsung Kies is in there. Download and install it on your computer, then connect your phone. It will back it up and tell you if there are any updates for your phone that need to be installed. I did an update the other day, and now I can access texts via the car and listen to them as I drive. Also, reboot your computer after the install finishes and before you connect your phone.
cool thanks. I think this is different because the verizon updates came immediately to the phone over the verizon network. not need to plug in and "check" for them.