I just finished up my head unit install but having some issues with the steering wheel controls. History: I'm using the AX-TOY28SWC and the ASWC-1 for installation. The AX-TOY28SWC plugs into the factory harness behind the headunit. From there, there are two wires(black/ground and red/power), black plug, two RCAs (red and white) and a 3.5mm male jack. Here's how I hooked it up: AX-TOY28SWC Main Plug into the OEM harness connector Black Plug into the ASWC-1 Black wire tapped into the ground (black) from the radio harness Red wire tapped into the power wire from the radio harness RCAs unused 3.5mm jack into the back of the headunit(W/R) Note: Head unit is a Pioneer Appradio 3. Note2: Looks like this unit does not have an AUX IN. Problem: What happens is that when it first starts up, it works perfectly. In a matter of seconds though, the volume either shoots up to max or to zero. All on its own and it will continue to do so no matter how much you fight it. So... if anyone can please help me that would be great. Did I connect it incorrectly? Does it sound like a faulty unit? The LEDS on the ASWC-1 don't light up or flash or anything anymore. Only saw it start flashing, some red, then some green, but I didn't have time to diagnose it. I'm guessing that was it doing it's auto detect function.
Step 1. Remove the 3.5mm jack for steering controls from the pioneer, does it work ok? If so, then Follow AWSC-1 instructions to factory reset, see if that fixes it (plug it back in to radio). If not, try manually programming it (follow instructions for that). If all that fails, contact Axxess as the App radio 3 is new... maybe it needs a firmware update. Good luck! C ps AppRadio 3 Steering Wheel Controls - AppRadio, AppRadio 2, AppRadio 3 - AVIC411.com One guy had a bad harness, another didn't have the 3.5mm in all the way, check both!
Step 1: the unit works fine without the 3.5mm jack plugged in, just no steering wheel controls (of course) I'll try a factory reset/manual program. Just to confirm, the RCAs don't need to be attached? Thanks C!
Correct, the RCA's just provide aux in from the 3.5mm jack over there by the USB port. I use neither. Bluetooth baby! Also - if you are manual programming and it works, while you have the dash out, note you can reprogram buttons to do what ever you want, since you have a C2 like me, you can make your "MODE" button a push to talk button for cell calls instead if you want... (I never use mode).
So I was playing with it in the car and it turns out the power tap wasn't getting power steadily. Apparently, these aswc-1 units are really sensitive to the connections it makes and it is recommended to solder them on. So once I got the power wire tapped and soldered, it works perfectly now. woo hoo Glad that nightmare is over. Now I need some longer screws for the headunit so I can put the aftermarket face plate on. Oh.. the joys of modding!
when you say power and ground tapped into radio harness; did you tap them in where you connected the metra 70-1761 harness to the pioneer harness? did you solder or use butt connectors? or something else? i'm trying to visualize this, i plan on doing this very soon (w an alpine head unit). i'm envisioning a 3 way connection (stereo harness red x metra 70-1761 red x metra ax-toy28swc red) at the power and a 3 way connection (stereo harness black x metra 70-1761 black x metra ax-toy28swc black)at the ground, is that correct?
Yep, I tapped into the pioneer -> metra harness. I left the ground with tapped with crimp/tap. The power wire I ended up soldering because the crimp/tap method wasn't providing a good connection and was the culprit of causing my unit to go bonkers. Yep, you have it correctly. oem harness -> metra harness -> aftermarket unit harness -> oem steering wheel control harness -> metra harness -> ground and power tapped to the above metra harness oem antenna harness -> metra harness -> aftermarket unit oem usb -> metra harness -> aftermarket unit
thanks, it's all good in the hood, now. i used butt connectors for now; my beta phase. once i am certain everything is working properly (still need remap the phone buttons), i'll pull the harnesses out and solder/heat shrink wrap them.