Blue Ray my friend and car(Yeah I talk to him all the time and we have a connection) had a fix for the check engine light. They did quite a bit on Blue Ray including reprogramming computer, changing oxygen and coolant temp sensor and coolant and intake manifold plug I believe. Was told it was like you plugged in your radio to plug and no juice or radio would not come on. To the subject, the last couple of days I have driven Blue Ray to and from work which is about 14 miles one way and 14 miles back. I put about 1.6 gallons of gas in it the other day and the car is still going strong after 60 miles without moving down one blip(those blocks on the fuel gauge that measure gallons etc.). I am sure everything is okay. It just seems to be running better since it got fixed, etc. I have checked the fuel consumption display and it varies but I know this morning it showed 14 miles at about 38.9 mph. Not being anxious but a little concerned that fuel gauge is okay. Sure it is. Will drive again tomorrow for awhile and see if it even blips. If anyone out there can respond, okay. Thanks all, Brad in Houston
Nice. I've gone 60-70 miles (and I have a 9.5 gallon tank) with all 10 blips before I lose one of them.
Yeah it is amazing car. And this is the first generation 2001. Anyway since they fixed the plug issue it is driving almost like brand new. This car has incredible ability to bounce back and regenerate itself. Love it.
Sure enough when it reached 60.2 miles it went down one blurp. I drove it for about 2 miles and filled it up out of curiosity with Chevron Techron gas. Filled it slowly and got 1.3 gallons of gas. Amazing so 62 miles at 1.3 gallons of gas. Amazing car.
I can drive up to 90-100 miles and still have a full tank before it goes down a pip. After that it drops to 50% quickly the fuel gauge is not very accurate.
You are right. It varies a lot with my car. Now that I am not employed at this place I was driving 24 miles a day, it will probably change too. I have learned how to coast with this car and get better gas mileage. It drives the drivers in the morning hurrying to work crazy but I do not care. I let them go around.