My wife has been compaining about the das readout for speedo, fuel, etc, missing on and off for a while Yesterday on way home from family 2 hrs away it stayed off the whole trip. This Am, it was still not working. Droped her off. restarted car to go to dealership. IT WORKS.. Service manager said they had never heard of it and would investigate and call me. Anyone else ever had this problem.
This is a well documented problem with the Prius display usually with 2004/5 displays. I believe in the US there is a service to replace these free of charge if a customer complains of the screen going blank to the dealer (no need for the dealer to actually see the problem). I do not know if this is also covered in Canada. See Toyota service bulletins at the top of the "care maintenance and troubleshooting page" under combination meter. John (Britprius)
Car in at dealership today in Ontario. Played like they never heard of anything before, I gave them your comment. Hope they dom't have to replace at my cost it looks expensive$$$$$$
Found the relevant information. Please read the link below it may save you a lot of money. Combination Meter Warranty Enhancement Hope that helps. John (Britprius)
I suggest you print out the information in the link in post (15) and take it with you to the dealers. Prius Combination Meter Warranty Extension This states that the dealer does not have to see the problem. You reporting the problem should be enough for them to carry out the work. John (Britprius)
Dealership just called.. They want $660 to replace it says not in Warranty. I copyed out the report and am takeing it to them!
If they charge you for the work I would get in touch with Toyota customer service, and see what they say. The extension is for 9 years from the date the car was put into use or till 30/Sep/2013 whichever is longer. No millage limit. John (Britprius)
I phoned them back...Read this post over the phone to him.. He called back a little later and said they checked it out futher and YES they will cover the replacement! If I hadn't squeeked or checked with you fellows they would have got me..Thanks alot for the help.. I do the same thing on the Amphicar lovers chat page. Alway trying to help out Prius is fun but lets see you do this. Note the silver Elvis "Mine" in back seat Pic Att.--Off to Florida in Morning!
Glad things worked out. Dealers often do not seem to know "or they do know and see more profit charging the customer than a fixed price from Toyota" about extended guarantees. There is no reason why they should not know as all dealers receive day by day updates from Toyota, they also have direct access to Toyota services. Sadly the dealers seem to prefer to deny customers in pursuit of more profit. John (Britprius)
I had this problem last year and got it fixed myself, by sending it to one of the members on this forum. Cost was less than $150 including shipping. When I got the extended warranty notice from Toyota, I sent them the independent repair bill and to my great surprise, they reimbursed me! I got squat for my labor, but at least now I know how to take apart the dash. The radio is on the fritz and I may have to do that soon....