Hi everyone!! My name is Cristen and "Tink" is my 2004 gold prius. I'm also a student in Denver CO studying to be a Vet Tech at Bel Rea and am the proud owner of 2 kittens, Calypso and Leilo, and a kesshond (breed of dog) name Willow. "Tink" is the first car that i have bought on my own, before i had a 2001 Ford Sport Trac (15mpg...yikes). I really like this car, bit its been a learn ing but thanks to some helpful tips from this forum, i'm relearning how to drive. I did manage to get my first glide and my first pulse yesterday. I do have one question though...the battery...mine hasn't been about 70% since i brought it home and now it's below 50%. i know is goes up and down but is there a way to help it charge? Thanks again for all the help!!
Welcome Cristen and congratulations on your first purchase. The easiest way to charge is to do some hard regen braking. Another way is to go down an incline. Even though Denver is relatively flat you can easily find a slight incline
Welcome Cristen- I am an animal lover also. I volunteer at the animal shelter and I have 2 rescue dogs. Others on this site with more technical expertise can help you with your question.
Welcome aboard and enjoy the ride! Don't worry about the battery... but if you want to see it peaked out, just find a long downhill run.