Several articles out today about a Board of Directors who quit and stated that XM has a crisis looming on the horizon unless they make some changes. This could get interesting... Snoop says the stock-izzle will come back up-izzle
I've wondered if Sirius and XM would merge someday. There's a market for satellite radio, the question is there a market for TWO competing satellite radio services. Besides the money they spend marketing against each other, they duplicate much of the same infrastructure.
This reminds me a lot of the early days of Satelite TV. Anyone remember DirecTV used to have a 'competitor' in USSB? They eventually ended up merging.
Anybody else who had the $60 intro price for 12 months get a $77 annual renewel? Or just me? Maybe they read my mind and knew that I wouldn't pay the $12.95, because it just showed up in the mail! Kind of cool, works out to $5 per month for the first 12 months, then $6.42 for the next twelve. Essentially, it seems, I'm a half-price customer. Not sure why, but I like it. Nate
That works out to be a pretty good price! When I start up my subscription, I'm going to be added to my husband's membership which will cost me I believe $6.95/month. My brother did the same thing when he got his XM (he's on my husband's membership as well). I think you can have something like a max of 6 family members on your plan??
Wouldn't you know it- I got an XM radio (Pioneer AirWave) as a Valentines Day gift. I hope XM doesn't go under soon! Michael
Same here. I got the Pioneer AirWare last September and use it pretty much all the time in the Prius and sometimes at home too.